twenty one

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Filler chapter
One phone call was all it took for Sabrina's water to break. Stefan was in a panic as the twins were early. He sped through town as he followed the ambulance. He dialed Damon's number to tell him, but as soon as he arrived, Damon ran over to him. "What happened?"

"They called her about Caroline." He tells him. "This shouldn't be happening."

Damon hugged him as they watched Sabrina be taken to delivery. "Are you the father?" Stefan nodded. "Come in."

Stefan walked away from his brother. Damon looked at Bonnie and Elena causing him to tell them what happened.
After 18 hours of delivery, Stefan stared at Sabrina as he waited for her to wake up. Miranda and Jackson were okay, but Stefan, he made sure that Sabrina had his blood in her system.

He heard one crying causing him to leave Sabrina's side and go to the twin crying. "Hey, baby girl." He coos. "Mommy is going to be just fine."

Damon walked in to see his niece and nephew to see Stefan changing Miranda. "How is she?"

"Sleeping, but in case, she's got my blood in her system."

Damon nodded. "She's going to be okay."

Stefan nodded. "I know she will."

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