twenty five

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Waking up to the twins crying, Sabrina smiled as she got out of bed and headed to their room. Stefan turned to hold her just to feel the spot beside him empty. Raising up, Stefan got out of bed to search for her. He wondered what she was doing till he heard one of the twins and smiled. He walked into the room to see her with the twins.

"There you are." She looked up and smiled. "Here, I'll take one."

She smiled as he took Jackson. "Stefan, are we still going to the Lockwoods?" She asked.

"Yeah. I think it would be nice as a family."

The redhead smiled. "You know. I'm happy with the life we have. We are enjoying our time with the twins, being parents and I know our love for one another has deepened." She tells him. "Stefan, I don't know how this may turn out since Elena and Helena are doing what Katherine wants."

Stefan walked over to her as she laid Miranda back down as he laid Jackson down. He turned to her and kissed her head. "Baby, just because they are acting like they are arguing because of Caroline listening in, doesn't mean that it should effect us. We are helping and having a family day out with the twins. Don't think about them. Okay?"

She smiled as she kissed him. Stefan pulled her closer to him causing them to break apart. "You are the only person that keeps me happy along with the twins." She says as she jumped up in his arms biting her lips. "I want you, Stefan."

Stefan sped out for the nursery and held her against the wall kissing her. She moaned into the kiss as she felt his hand go under his shirt. Moaning as she felt his hand teasing her had her holding on tight. "God, Stefan."

"I'm going to make this last, baby." He tells her. "We haven't had some time alone till now. I'm going to make this last as long as I can."

'Stefan, you don't get inside of me, I'm going to lose my mind." She moaned out. "Please!"

That was enough for Stefan to run to their room. He tossed her on the bed before he appeared on top of her. Smiling at one another, Stefan entered her causing her to moan along with him. "Damn, baby, this feels good." He says as he started moving faster.

"Oh, Stefan..."
After their long morning, Sabrina and Stefan packed the twins up and head to the Lockwoods, but Stefan stopped as he wanted to ask her not knowing his brother and sister are in danger. "Sabrina..."

"Hmmm." She says getting the strolling out.

"I need to ask you something." He tells her."

She looked at him as he went to get down on one knee till Elena and Caroline ran to them. "Damon and Helena are in danger." They tell them. "What are you doing?"

Stefan sighed. "I was going to ask her to marry me, but now I have to save my brother and sister."

Sabrina stood shock as he left. She looked at her niece and friend. "Oh my god. He wants to marry me." She says as she looked at them. "I'm getting married."

They smiled. "We'll be back. And Stefan can ask again."

"Tell him I said yes because I know he has to help Helena."

They nodded as they left. Looking at the twins, Sabrina smiled as she was going to have their last name too.
Stefan found Sabrina walking with the stroller and ran to her. "Sabrina, I never got to ask you..."

"My answer is yes." She tells him as she looked at him. "I will always say yes to you."

Stefan smiled as he kissed her till they heard one of the twins. They looked to see Jackson fussing. Stefan smiled as he started unstrapping Jackson. "Come on, buddy, daddy's got you."

Sabrina smiled as she looked at him. "Stefan, I'm grateful that you are the twins father. I wouldn't have it any other way."

"I wouldn't have it any other way either, Sabrina. Let's go home."

She smiled. "How about a stroll? I like the peace and quiet."

"So do I." He says kissing her. "Let's go."

Smiling as they walked together as they discussed what they should do together. Neither of them saw Mason watching them. He knew that he shouldn't go after them, but Stefan is a vampire. He will have to plan this through even though Katherine told him to leave them alone. They have to go.

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