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Sabrina smiled as she decided to write down her feelings. Something Miranda has been trying to get her to do. Looking out her window. The redhead started writing, but it was about Stefan and he's decision to be around her. She stopped writing and grabbed an outfit that she can be comfortable in besides loose clothes.

Stepping out of her closet, Sabrina smiled at her reflection and seeing the small baby bump she was trying to hide because of her fears. She walked downstairs and to the kitchen hearing Jenna talking to the tv. "He's back." Was all she said.

"Yep." Jenna says as she looked at her sister. "You're..."

"I feel comfortable enough to not hide." She said. "I have Stefan to thank for that though."

Jenna smiled as her sister grabbed her a water bottle and walked into the living room to help Elena. "So do I." Jenna mumbled.
Later that day, Stefan sat in Sabrina's room smiling at the small bump she decided to not hide. Sabrina walked over to him. "Thank you." She tells him.

"For what."

"For making me feel like I shouldn't hide. What happened wasn't the baby's fault or mine." She says as she kissed him. Stefan kissed her back making the redhead smile till he pulled away. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." He said as his face went back to normal. "I'm gad I could help you."

Sabrina smiled as she looked at him. "I'm ready to be with you." Sabrina said. "I was just being cautious about dating..."

"Hey." He said making her look at him. "Its alright to be cautious till you know you are ready."

Sabrina smiled as she hugged him. "Now lets talk about the ball coming up. Will you escort me?"

Stefan nodded making Sabrina lay her head on his shoulder. She made the right choice.
Sabrina looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. The dress was a perfect fit and the small bump was showing meaning her dress wasn't tight. She walked out of her room to hear Bonnie talking about Helena's secret that Damon shared with Caroline. "Bonnie, I wouldn't listen to this Damon." Sabrina said as she walked in. "How does it look?'

"Perfect." Elena said as she walked over and fixed a strand of red curly hair.

"You're not hiding."

"Thank Stefan." Elena said as Sabrina walked out and downstairs.

Sabrina grabbed her a drink before walking out of the house to meet up with Stefan at the Lockwood's house.
Sabrina and Stefan arrived at the ball. He kissed her head as they walked in. Sabrina saw her sister's rings and walked over to it. "Your sister's rings."

"Yeah." She said with tears in her eyes. "There's history here."

Stefan smiled as he held her close. "How about I get us a drink?"

Sabrina nodded as Stefan walked away to get a drink. She saw Elena talking to a dark haired man and waked over. Elena smiled as her aunt came over. "Sabrina."

Damon turned to see a pregnant redhead walking over to them. Sabrina looked at him weirdly and started looking at the register book from the first ball when she saw a name that made her question. "Stefan?" She mumbled as she looked at Elena confused.

"The original Salvatore brothers and their sister."

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" She asked.

"Sabrina." She turned and smiled as Stefan got beside her. "That's my brother Damon."

"Oh." She says. "Can we go dance?"

Stefan nodded as he placed their drinks down and walked her away to dance. Damon looked at them. Sabrina smiled as she was dancing with Stefan. Not a care in the world.
Sabrina was talking to Stefan when Elena walked over to them. "Sabrina, we need to leave."


"Damon has been hurting Caroline."

Sabrina looked at Stefan. "I'll deal with it."

Sabrina nodded and kissed him before they walked away. "Explain." Was all the redhead said to Elena. Sabrina needed to know what exactly happened.

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