twenty six-epilogue

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After learning about Klaus, Stefan had spoken to Jenna who agreed that him, Sabrina and the twins can leave. Knowing what Klaus can do, had Stefan fearing for the safety of his family, but what he didn't know that while they went to another town to start fresh, Sabrina will lose another sister. Stefan kissed her head as she cried. "Are you okay?"

"Why my sister?" She asked him.

"I don't know and we may never know, but just look at it this way, you still have me and the twins too."

"I know, but I don't have anyone left besides Elena and Jeremy and knowing that Elena is the cause of my sister's death..."

Stefan kissed her to calm her down. "Don't think about turning it off." He tells her. "I know you are still new to being a vampire, thanks to the drink driver, but I promise you that no matter what, you will always have me and the twins. Don't forget you still have a family. Jenna is watching over us right now. She sees how much of a woman you've turned out to be. You are a wonderful mother and soon to be my wife." The redhead smiled as he wiped her tears. "I love you, Sabrina."

"Stefan?" He looked at her. "Let's get married. Right now. I don't want to be Sabrina Sommers any more. I'm the last there is and..." sighing, Sabrina looked up at him. "I want to be a Salvatore. Your wife."

"Hearing you say that makes me so happy." He says kissing her. "I love you, Sabrina."

"I love you, Stefan. Let's start our forever."

"Let's start our forever."

Thank you for reading Sabrina. More stories to come.

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