Over and over again.

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Right so before we begin, please keep in mind; Major spoilers for LN2 ahead, please finish the game and come back. This story is not going anywhere. I really do not expect this to get this many reads, but it's still out there for both you and me to enjoy. And I'm doing this because it's what makes me happy. Warning: expect mild gore, fluff, and other weird stuff. 


his feet dangled in the air, body swaying back and forth. Mono felt his heart leap to his throat, his grip was firm on Six's hand. He looked down, and below him awaited nothing but pitch blackness. he swallowed hard as his entire form began to tremble as the entire fleshy walls of the signal tower began to close in on them. why isn't she pulling me up? 

he looked back up to where she was laying, "Six?" Mono muttered, and behind the hood of her yellow raincoat were cold emotionless eyes, as if she was looking down at something worthless and pathetic. his eyes widened, at first, he felt confused. "Six...?" he called her again. But nothing. she wrenched her hand from his violently.

he didn't scream, he didn't shout. he didn't even feel fear anymore. As he fell down the endless abyss there was only one thing on his mind. Just one simple question, "Why...?". tears pricked at his eyes, blurring his vision, "after everything I have done for you... WHY!?" the wind hissed in his ears, his brown hair blowing in all directions. Tears now flowed freely from his eyes, "Where did I go wrong?"  

Before long something unexpected happened, a black glitching hand that easily wrapped its fingers around his entire body, snatched him up and disappeared into the darkness. Before he could figure out what was going on, there came a loud crashing noise followed by the static of a TV screen. he met the hard wooden floor face first, he groaned as pulled himself up. tasting hot iron in his mouth, he hawked up a glob of blood and spat them on the floor.

"Failed again have we?" the familiar voice echoed around him. and soon enough it became clearer, he was back here. the room with a mountain of televisions stacked on top of one another, all of them were displaying a static screen. Mono got back on his feet, his vision still a bit blurry from the tears. he reached with the sleeves of his brown trench coat and wiped them away. "Couldn't bear to watch you turn into that sorry thing again. I had to." 

"Again?" Mono muttered, his chest was aching horribly, "How many times has it been...?"

a figure stepped out of the shadows, its hands behind its back. it wore a black tailcoat, black trousers and a fine pair of shoes. Its face, such as it was, was constantly glitching from one person to the next. they were all familiar faces, all of them he had already met, and not all of them he wished to meet again. "See for yourself." it took a remote out of its pockets and clicked on the red button. at once all of the screens flashed different scenes, some of them Mono could barely even remember. Past cycles, all of them ending horribly, was this really doomed to repeat forever?

Mono stepped closer to one of the screens and tenderly drifted his fingers against it. he saw himself escaping through a TV screen, and Six was there beside him. he heard the figure's voice behind him, "Hmm, I remember this one. After the both of you fled the tower- well, I think you might want to turn away." and Mono wished he did, because what came next made his stomach churn, he felt like he was going to retch. 

"Here we can see you sitting on a chair, clutching to that pitiful glimmer of hope that one day some will come and save you. Oh! and this one right there is hilarious, look at that. Missing the edge of the building, so close yet so far!" the figure clicked its tongue as it let out a giggle.

"that's not funny." 

 "Sorry..." but it just kept laughing. Mono glared at it with narrow eyes, "Oh, boy. Don't look at me like that, we left those spiteful feelings behind us don't you think?"

Mono just turned from the screens and walked away, he found a spot in the middle of the room and sat there hugging his knees. the figure made its way next to him, "Are you not tired yet, Boy? how many times must we do this?"

Mono's gaze was fixed on the TVs, "I will stack another mountain if that what it takes."  

The figure sighed annoyingly then sat next to him, its long legs stretching to reach the foot of the stack. "You know I realize we couldn't be any different the both of us, here we are both trapped in a world of madness doomed to see events unfold over and over again, we learn so much and yet the more we try the more unpredictable things get. Me? It's very simple, I'm just bound here forever observing you botching things over and over again. But you... what drives you? Hmm? That's the only thing I can't seem to understand, haven't you been through enough already? Every time you enter this cursed shack in the woods I feel like ripping my head off. For every time you let that beast out of its cage you'd be digging your own grave. For every time you hold her hand-" it stopped for a moment, "Why do you persist? Why?! I mean sure my fate depends on you but... why?"

Mono looked up at the figure and for some reason, it wore his face, "I don't know. There's something that's-" Mono shrugged, not knowing how to explain it, "Something just draws me to her. Like we are somehow connected. You know that when I step through that screen to start over I lose all memories of past cycles. I don't know, I really don't know how I keep ending up in that shack..."

"Bloody hell..." the figure changed's face to a potato sack with a tiny hole in it.

"Do you think, that it's my fault?"

"Six is evil, Boy. Don't think too much about it."

"Six is good." mono muttered, "I've seen her cry, I've seen her care."

The figure laughed again, "Care? for crying out loud. You are still saying those things after everything you've seen?" 

"I loved her..." Mono whispered.

"And now we are truly stuck here forever..." It said, with clear sarcasm.

Mono stood up and made his way towards one of the screens, "I think you should rest before going again. I can't have you losing your mind yet." Mono tilted his head at one of the scenes, there he was under a balcony on a rainy night, Six curled up into a tiny ball next to him. He was wrapping her with his trench coat to keep her from catching a cold. Despite everything, it was a memory he cherished, he even remembered that warm feeling in his heart.

"That what keeps me going..." Mono said, pointing with his finger. the figure tilted its head, now it chose to wear a pointy cone-shaped paper. 

"That's just the only good thing from this cycle."

"It was enough."

"I see... but you still don't make any sense, Boy."

Mono smiled, and the figure was astonished how he could still manage to do it here in this room. "I think I will be going now..." Mono said, his voice unusually cheery.

"Oh? now? fine then, just don't come back too soon!" It stood up on both legs and clicked on the remote. the screens all went black except for one, the TV that stood at the far end of the room. 

Mono hurried to it and before he could reach the screen, the figure's voice halted him, "Aren't you forgetting something?" it said, in its hand it held a brown paper bag with two tiny circles for eyes. the figure lowered itself enough so that Mono could reach the bag, he jumped and snatched it, quickly drawing over his head.

"Thank you, Bart!"

"Don't call me that, bloody hell..."

Mono then placed a hand on the screen, and with a split second he got sucked into the TV. the figure just stood there sighed, "Godspeed, Boy." he said before clicking the remote and turning off the screen.

Mono woke up in a grassy field, a gentle breeze was blowing, rustling the leaves. trees surrounded him, it seems he was in a familiar forest, very familiar actually. A strange feeling of deja vu struck him. He had no memory of this place at all.


Well that's part 1. Until next time.
Kindly point out the mistake and I will review them later.

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