Promise broken

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Six was dead silent as the world around them bent and folded. The walls dissolved and disintegrated, and the Thin Man led them through the darkened halls, or rather- they didn't move a single inch. It felt like the entire area was moulding to the man's liking. Tables, chairs and irrecognisable faces wooshed past Mono. Before long, Mono saw steel pipes, wood shelves, end tables and finely-embroidered vases floating all about, each going in their separate directions. They adjusted themselves neatly upon the ceiling and at the corners. It was like a room was creating itself out of nothing. And not long after that, screens of art emerged from the darkness and plastered themselves across the walls. Before he knew it, Mono found himself standing in the middle of a traditional Japanese-like hallway, art screens of a mountain with smoke coming out of the peak flanked him on each side. The wooden floor beneath him shone red with the warm colour coming from the lantern above. What is all this? Mono though. This wasn't like anything he used to see in his nightmares or the visions. No, if he really thought about it... he has never been to a place like this before, nor has he seen anything like it. It all had that ominous feeling to it, and it unnerved him.

Mono couldn't see Six nor The Thin Man anywhere. It was just him and that faint tapping sound coming from beyond that door at the end of the corridor. Mono felt a chill running up his spine. He didn't want to get anywhere near that door. But his legs moved against his will. Wait what is happening!? His entire body was moving on its own, and Mono had no control over it at all. Soon, he realized that he was trapped in another's body, neither able to speak nor move, but only watch as the vessel led him through the halls. The body was relatively tiny, probably even tinier than he was, as it walked on stunted legs, and its arms were barely inches tall. Its head lolled and bobbed in all directions, making it hard to see what was going on. Something snuck past him in the shadows and went to hide beneath an end table. He saw it, a tiny creature, with a round belly and cone-shaped hat that covered its entire head. It seemed the vessel had little interest in it, as it went on and made it past the door. Now Mono saw a great room with a giant table on his right, with plates, spoons and empty bottles on top of it. More and more of these miniature creatures stepped out of the shadows, peeking their heads from over the table and from behind the shelves. Curiously watching the vessel going on about in the middle of the room.

What was this all about? What are those things? Mono thought. But his trail of thoughts was cut off as his vessel suddenly stopped in its tracks, its head focusing on the item on the floor. Mono looked at it for a while and found that it was just a sausage. One that has probably been sitting there for days. It's not gonna eat it is it? The vessel didn't move, it just stood there, looking all about the room. Some of those little creatures scurried out through the door and went to hide beneath the shelves or climb up the table and disappear out of sight. The vessel snapped its head towards the door from where they had come. Mono saw someone approaching. They seemed a bit taller than those creatures, their back was bent and their shoulders slouched forward. As they went beneath the light Mono saw that they had been holding their stomach, softly groaning in pain. The vessel's head snapped up and hurried to pick sausage off the floor. It held it between its tiny hands and approached the figure. As they got closer, Mono gasped. IT WAS SIX! There's no mistaking it, he didn't know anyone else that wore that same threadbare blue sweater. SIX! HEY, SIX! IT'S ME! You alright! Are you hurt?! But no voice escaped the vessel's lips, and Six kept approaching them with drool dripping from her lips. Jeez, is she alright? She doesn't look so good. The vessel took a few more steps towards her before extending the piece of sausage for the girl.

Oh, dear. How awfully nice of the creature. Mono thought as he watched the rest unfold. Six extended her hands, reaching for the sausage. Her fingers brushed past the sausage and launched for Mono's throat. He gasped, feeling her cold fingers tightening around his neck. SIX! What are you doing! Stop! STOP IT! YOU'RE HURTING ME! He felt it all, the fear, the pain. He couldn't breathe. Before long he let out a scream- not him, but the vessel... gargling as her teeth sank into his neck and ripped him apart. With no legs to struggle and no hands to push her away, all he could do was watch in horror and feel every slow and agonizing second of it. STOP! THE PAIN! THE PAIN!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

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