The hospital

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Welp, thank you random burst of motivation.


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They've been going on for hours on end. Mono had lost all sense of direction after the fall. All they did was go from one building to the other while avoiding the streets and the horrible gaze of the eye atop the tower. One journey to a separate reality was dreadful enough. Mono didn't need another. And time after time, as they skipped through the rooms of abandoned buildings, Mono found himself wondering, was it all really one separate reality? Or a message?

"Mono...?" he could hear her voice calling to him.

He stopped, looking up at her, unsure where to look as all her features were covered by the hood of her coat, "Huh?" he said.

"You look a bit out of it," she said.

"Do I?" Mono said, "Sorry, it's nothing."

"Is this about before? Are you still mad at me?" Six asked

"No, no. Really it's nothing."

Six took the hood off her head and brushed her hair away from her eyes, "It may not be about before, but it's still about something... is there something you're not telling me?"

Just what will happen again...? Mono wandered back into his thoughts. He looked around, fiddling with his fingers and rubbing his knuckles.

"Mono." Six said, her voice now sterner.

"I did it again, didn't I? Sorry..." Mono said, sighing.

"Well then, we're not taking another step from here until you tell me what's going on." Six said and sat cross-legged in front of him

"Six, come on... not now." Mono looked around the room nervously. It was so empty and soundless that he could hear the beating of his heart growing louder by the moment. "Let's just keep going."

"No, I'm not going anywhere." She said stubbornly, "You once told me that yourself, I can't understand unless you talked to me, right...?" She added, her crimson eyes softening, "It's been like that for a while, Mono. I hear you mumble in your sleep, you barely rest for half an hour. That hint of fear in your eyes, whenever you look into a TV. I'm seeing it right now, clear as day..." She said, gesturing with her hands as she spoke, "You're not really good at hiding it, Mono. Just tell me what's wrong. Let me help you."

Mono fell silent for a long moment, then sighed in defeat. He threw up his hands "I-I don't..." There's so much he wanted to say but didn't know to start. Instead, he went quiet again. He looked back at Six desperately, and she gave him a nod of encouragement, "I just keep seeing these... illusions. Rooms filled eyes, a wide hallway, a tall man with slender arms. Remember when we first met?" He asked her, ceaselessly rubbing his knuckles, and she nodded, "I told that I came from a TV. Well, that's what I thought at first. I really don't know where I come from, Six. Or where I got these- uhh," He said, looking down at his hands, he saw the electric current dancing between his fingers, "Whatever you call that, I suppose. I have no memory of anything before I woke up in the woods. But then I started having these illusions, of things that are going to happen."

"You can see the future?" Six asked, tilting her head.

"I don't know... they just, all felt like they have already happened before. A long, long time ago. And they all feel so similar. Have you ever heard of deja vu?" He asked. Six's right eye twitched at that, she hissed from a sudden pain and reached for her eyelid to rub it, "Six?"

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