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Guess whose back on rampant writing? Hah! Prepare to get more chapters! And cookies of course🍪
Total words 1828
Enjoy lads!

"S-Six..." Mono whispered.

"The hand! It's gone!" Six said in a frenzy. Clattering echoed all around them, and before long, pieces of fingers and broken prosthetics started falling from the ceiling. They looked up and saw the animated hand ballooning from the limbs overhead, swaying left and right, hopping from one end to the other and creeping towards them. Soon the hand jumped and landed on the shelves and disappeared among the other wooden prosthetics, making the pile rise and fall as it slithered between them.

"Hurry! We need to leave, now!" Mono cried as he went back to pull the basket out of their way. Six joined in the struggle. They pulled together, grunting and panting all the while. They could hear the clatter of wood upon wood as the animated hand inched closer towards them. Once the basket was out of the way, Mono grabbed Six by her hand and hurried her towards the exit. 

More and more limbs fell and shattered around them, then came the sound of screeching and the shadow of something pouncing from the shelves. "Watch out!" Six said, pushing Mono out of the way. The hand landed inches away from him, screeching and wriggling as it tried to get back on all five wooden fingers. Mono shrieked at the sight and cowered away. His back slammed against the shelf stacked with prosthetics. 

Without warning, something grabbed his arm from behind, cold wooden fingers pressing down on his skin, so hard that it may bruise. Mono screamed in pain and tried wrenching his arm free, but its grip proved too strong for him. "MONO!" Six screamed. Armed with a crude piece of wood with a blunt edge, she halted next to the hand gripping Mono and swung her weapon down with all her might upon it. The hand cracked with the first blow, but its grip held on to Mono's arm. Mono struggled again to wrench his arm free, and with a final desperate attempt, Mono let out a cry and broke free. The animated hand tore from the wrist and went flying across the room, landing in the middle of the room and sliding against the floor until it stopped under the metal shelving. The other one was already on its fingers and ready to pounce. 

There was no time to think.  Mono ripped a wooden limb out from the pile behind him and stood at the ready. "Come on then," Mono said and assumed his stance, feet planted firmly in the floor, his hands crushing the handle of his stick. The animated hand reared back and leapt, fingers stretched like claws and hungry for flesh. Mono hurled the stick, sticking the hand and sending it flying upwards. It slammed against the ceiling and fell on the floor with a loud clack. It struggled and trashed around, "Finish it off!" Mono said. 

Six sprang from beside him and halted next to the screeching hand. She lifted her weapon behind her head and brought it down upon it. Smashing it inwards and sending its wooden fingers flying everywhere. And still, the hand struggled. Six let out a growl, and lifted her weapon once more and hurled it on the hand, again and again, screaming all the while. Until it stopped moving. But Six never ceased her merciless bashing and kept on going relentlessly. 

"STOP! YOU GO IT, ALRIGHT! YOU GOT IT!" Mono grabbed her from behind and knocked the weapon out of her hands, "THAT'S ENOUGH! WE NEED TO LEAVE." He cried, he took her by her hand and led her towards the exit. Before the other hand, which was struggling in the corner of the room, could recover. He shouldered the door open, suddenly aware that he did so with his bad arm, it began to hurt miserably. He moved Six away then placed his back against the door and slammed it shut. He slid down and sat there for a moment, trying to catch his breath, "What the hell was that about?" Mono said.

But Six didn't answer, he only heard her heavy panting in the darkness. He reached for the torch in his pocket and flicked the switch. There she was, as tiny as she was, her form cast a very large shadow across the room. She stood there with her back against him, shoulders drooped and fists clenched by her side, trembling madly. 

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