TV man

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YO! I'm back again! Happy late New Year to everyone! Here, have another chapter, it's one of those long ones with 3.3k words! ENJOY!


Six blinked, "Bart? It's- It's you?" she said, quaking as if she was in bitter cold. Her crimson eyes looked at him with fear and stark terror. He never saw that look in her eyes before, not even the time when they were cornered by the most horrible of monsters. It cut right through his heart, that gaze, that terrible gaze. He felt like he was some horrid beast to her.

Mono gulped and raised his hands slowly, "Six... who the hell is Bart?" his voice escaped in a whisper, hoping that his calm voice might snap her back to her senses. But Six was panting like a dying boar, "I don't know any Bart..." He said, taking one step closer.

"I-I don't. How is this possible? You look just like him." Six said, backing off with each step he took.

"Him who? Six, it's me. Me! Mono." He said, hopelessly gesturing with his arms, "We were trying to leave this place, remember?"

"Remember? Remember. Yes, I remember." Six said after a long moment.

Nodding slowly, Mono extended his hand for her to take.

"Bart, Bart..." Six's voice was no more than a mutter. Then suddenly, she let out a pained gasp and clutched her eyes. She fell on the floor screaming and kicking with her legs. Her voice echoed off the walls of the showers. Mono rushed to her side, but one glance towards him and Six scurried away, cowering back into the room behind her, "NO! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Don't hurt me! I HAD NO OTHER CHOICE."

Mono's mouth went agape, and his hands fell lifelessly to his side. He stood there staring at the scene before him. He choked on his tears as he saw her in pain like that. He couldn't even look at her face; features all twisted and teeth gritted, and her eyes, her eyes! They were bloodshot and bleeding an endless stream of red. She turned away from him, covering her eyes as she noticed his gaze. The blood crawled between her fingers and stained her raincoat. She made tiny gasping sounds as she vainly tried to wipe the crimson puss off her hands. Eventually, she ended up getting her legs all smeared in blood, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She choked.

"What-" Mono finally found his voice, "What are you even talking about? Sorry for what!? What choice, Six!? You're not making any sense! Just calm down!" He said. She kept on wiping the blood from her eyes, but it just won't stop gushing out. Mono felt like something had grabbed hold of his heart, paralyzing him with fear. What do I do? What the hell am I supposed to do now?! Why is she acting like this?! She curled up into a tiny ball on the floor, repeating the words again and again, I'm sorry, don't hurt me- "WHY DO YOU KEEP SAYING THAT!" Mono finally snapped, "I would never hurt you! Snap out of it, damn it! It's me! Look at me! I'm Mono, MONO!" He said as he suddenly found himself walking towards her.

Six shuffled to her feet, tripped and fell, and slammed her back against the wall, "Hah- Hah!" she breathed in a frenzied panic. Mono gritted his teeth once he felt his lips quivering. Stop it, just, stop it. You're breaking my heart here. He tried reaching with his hand, one final plea for her to come back. But she backed away, and with nowhere left to go, she wrapped her arms around her knees and sat there trembling. She won't grab my hand. Mono felt his heart shatter into a million pieces.

"Six, please."

"Stay back!" She screamed, her hand shot right at him. And withing moments, shadowy figures crawled out of her palms and danced across her arm, hissing and biting and hungry for flesh.

Mono recoiled from her, "What is this...?" He muttered, "Six, what are you doing?!"

Her arm trembled, "Stay away, d-don't come any closer." she said, and with that, the shadows stirred and grew. And with that, the dark smoke was taking over her.

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