The calm

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Kept you waiting huh? Well, sorry bout that, there wasn't much I could have done this week. Good news is that my finals are over and now it's time for rampant writing!

Oh my... Holy schnikes! 1.2k reads 64 votes. Is this a dream?! Thank you all, so much. I-I-... You guys are just amazing!

Here! enjoy!


As time went on they both sat there quietly enjoying the calmness of the woods and the faint chirping of crickets that bounded off the trees. As Mono picked at the berries, he couldn't help but worry for the girl. There was clearly something that is tearing at her, he wished he could do something. There's so much he wanted to ask her, but he was afraid. Afraid he might bring back horrible memories from her past, or afraid that she might turn and leave. He stood up and went to bring more berries, and as went back to the bushels he thought that it would be better not to bring up what happened to her earlier. If she doesn't wanna talk about it, he won't make it any harder for her.

He brought back another handful of berries to Six, but she just lifted her hand and gave him a small smile. Mono smiled under his paper bag. For now, he would wait until she trusts him more maybe then she would speak. There was a way he could help...

He went and knelt in front of her and placed the berries on the rocks beside him, she lowered her head, hiding behind that damp curtain of black hair. Shying away.

"Let me help." Mono said, calmly. Six drew her feet closer to her chest and hugged them tightly, and scooted backward. "Six, trust me. It's alright." Now lifting his pinky finger. Six lifted her head from behind her knees, and now Mono could see those crimson eyes, and they regarded him warmly. She lifted her own pinky finger and locked it with his. "Let me see those bruises."

Reluctantly, Six nodded and stopped hugging her legs. She drew back and placed her arms behind her for support. Mono reached with his hand and let it drift against the cuts and the patches of blue on her skin, some of them were old, while others were pretty recent, she probably got those blisters from running away from the hunter... She didn't make a sound, not even wincing when he pressed a tiny bit.

"This doesn't hurt?" He asked. Six shook her head. But her lips did press together when his hand brushed a blister in her foot. "Right I see." he may not know much about first aid, but he knew wild berries would often do the trick.

"Alright then, this won't hurt, not one bit." Mono said, reassuringly. he grabbed a handful of berries and looked back at Six, "Ready?" Six nodded. Mono crushed the berries, purple liquid oozed out of his hand and crawled down his fingers. He made sure they coated every bruise and cut, even the blisters. He gave her a handful of berries and told her to do the same with her other leg. "Make sure you don't miss a spot." And Six did as she was told, crushing the berries and rubbing them up and down her cuts. "It might start to sting later, but give them a few hours and all is well! Yes, this should do it..."

After everything was done, Mono was about to go stand up and wash away the purple tinge from his hand when Six grabbed hold of his fingers. Mono was shaken, he looked down to see her drawing his hand closer to her forehead. She squeezed his hand and let it brush her temple before letting go. Was that a- 'thank you'? Mono reached with his clean hand to her head, and after drawing it away for a moment, gently laid it on her. He pulled his hand away before things got too awkward. Then went to the river to wash.

Six was secretly smiling.

Before long drowsiness began to settle over them both. Mono fought hard to stay awake, while Six tried rubbing exhaustion from her eyes every now and then. Mono didn't trust the calmness that surrounded them, anything could still happen at any time and he wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. But he and Six were in no shape to travel, he saw that clearly, she was drifting in and out of sleep.

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