Old friend

820 31 15

This is a short emergency chapter, about 1.8k words long. I sense a long chapter coming after this one and there was no way to slice it down to 2k words, anyway I shouldn't take long to release the next one, I'd like to take my time :)

rushing things will get us nowhere! ENJOY


"Good. That's good." The man said calmly.

"Mono...?" Six breathed, giving him a look of stark desperation, "No... please." She added, slowly shaking her head.

"Don't let her plea fool you. This is nothing more than a half-witted attempt to save her own skin."

Mono looked into Six's crimson gaze one last time before forcing them away. He covered his eyes with one hand, trying hard to stifle a sob, and failed miserably. At that, Six sucked in a ragged breath, "No... NO! Mono, please! Please don't! It wasn't me! It wasn't me, I swear! I-"

"I have nothing left to show you, boy. The rest is now up to you. If there's nothing else you want to ask, then I'll be taking my leave." The Thin Man said.

Mono pursed his lips and shook his head slowly.

"Very well. You've made the right choice." The man said. With a slight wave from his hand, Six began to sink away into the darkness of the room.

"MONO! PLEASE!" Six shrieked, her voice bounding off the empty void and spinning in Mono's head. For God sake, do something, you idiot. His thoughts bellowed, but he didn't move a muscle. His mind was about to blow, but it felt like the nerve had left his body. Her cries sounded like they were coming from miles and miles away. He could still hear her calling his name. Until, finally, there was no sound at all. I did it again. I did again. I've betrayed her, again. Some bloody friend you were. You've promised to protect her no matter what. You've promised that you'd stay together, that you'd never leave her side, what a joke. What kind of a worthless piece of human flesh are you?! You're not worthy of anything. Matter of fact, you deserve to be alone forever.

"Do not regret it. It's not your fault."

"She- She was my friend." Mono breathed.

"Yeah, well. She was mine too." The Thin Man said, pausing for a moment, "Now look at me."

Mono blinked, wiping the tears away from his eyes, "What are you going to do to her?"

The man was silent for a while, "I will make sure she'll no longer be a problem."

Mono's eyes widened as dread suddenly consumed him. That's one fancy way of saying she'll be killed, "Are you going to kill her?" The man didn't answer him. It confirmed the worst, "No... No there has to be another way."

"If there was another way... there wouldn't be a reason for me to be here in the first place." The man said in a low voice.


"Listen, boy! This isn't about you or me anymore! This is about what's right!" The man yelled, "When are you going to get that into your head!" He turned in his heels and marched towards the darkness.

"And what is 'right'? Hm? Does killing her seem right to you?"

The man glared at him, his eyes turning pure white as waves of electric current flowed up and down his optics. He closed them for a while, then opened them again. His eyes were deep brown once more, just like Mono's. His voice became static, then normal, "Stay here. Once it's over I'll let you go. After that, you'll never see me again."

"D-Don't do this..." Mono said.

"I'm sorry." The man replied, vanishing into the dark, leaving Mono alone in the room.

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