Beware of the light

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Emergency short chapter! Because the wait has been too long! And also because a bunch of lazy teammates decided it was funny to leave all the work up to me! 

Here! take this for now! literally, if I kept on writing to a certain point, this chapter would've been delayed for another week. 

total words 1714.

Sorry bout that! Enjoy!


Their staticky noises bounded off the walls of the buildings. Their shuffling legs dragged behind them as the herd made their way past them and struggled towards the light. Mono held his breath, and Six stayed close, her hands clasped around her mouth, not making a sound. "FOLLOW MY VOICE, AND LET YOUR THOUGHTS GUIDE YOU." The transmission repeated. 

Mono peeked through the small gaps of the stack and saw that the herd of mangled and twisted forms was growing bigger by the second, and soon he couldn't even see the other side of the street, "Where are they all coming from?" Mono thought aloud, one moment the place was empty and the next all this... no matter, there wasn't much time to think on that. The TV man pointed towards the roof, and that's where they're going next. He turned to Six and knelt in front of her. Under the hood of her raincoat, she looked at him with eyes wide in fear. "Listen to me. We can't stay here. We need to cross the street and get to that building over there." Mono said, pointing at the other side of the road. 

Six said nothing. She laid on her knees and slipped a peek, "How are we going to get past them?" she said, looking back at Mono. He looked just as clueless as she was. He lowered his head and rubbed his chin, musing. Six took another look through the gaps, and after a while, she found something curious, one of those twisted creatures was actually ignoring the transmission. It just stood there, staring blankly at a static television screen behind the window of an electronics store. A moment later, another disfigured creature tore itself away from the herd and moved up the pavement. It also made for the electronic store and straight towards the TV, its shoulder slightly brushing off the other one already standing there. Six tilted her head, she also noticed that there were more and more televisions stacked atop the one with a static screen, except these ones were turned off... "Hey, Mono..." She said, her voice was loud enough so that he could hear her. 


Six pointed towards the electronics store. "Look over there. These two are acting strangely." 

Mono got up and looked from around the stack of boxes, "Where? I can't see-... oh! Yeah, what about them?"

Six got up and got closer to Mono, "I think it's the TVs. It attracts them." and to that, Mono only nodded, "Look, there are more TVs around that one. Think you can you do something about that?" she added. 

"I don't know..." He said, reaching under his paper bag to scratch his head. "Let me try something." He gestured with his head to follow. He left the alleyway and moved along the pavement with Six closely behind. The herd didn't seem to pay them any mind, they forged onwards, mindlessly following the light and chanting the numbers 230056. whatever they meant by it, Mono couldn't know. He stopped and faced the electronics store from across the street. Looking down at his hands, he let out a shaky breath, "Alright... here goes nothing." He said, his voice thick with doubt.

Six placed a hand on his shoulder, "If this could hurt you, we'll find another way. Don't overdo it..." She said.

Mono turned towards her and smiled, "Don't worry about it, if I use it for moments, it shouldn't be that big of a deal." He said and looked back at the store and turned his focus on all of the TVs behind that glass window, "Right... stand back." He said. Closing his eyes and exhaling, Mono tried to link his mind with the TVs on the other side of the street. At first, there was nothing but this giant smokescreen, but then he saw it, that invisible thread. His mind linked, and his hands moved on their own, his fingers twisted and bent as if he was pulling the strings of a puppet and making it dance on stage. "There!" He said, and with that all the TVs beyond the glass window came to life, each of them, in turn, displaying a static screen. 

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