The tower

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The wind had very much died down the moment they reached the roof. The moment's relief was then taken away from them as thicker and wetter clouds rolled up overhead, spilling their laden rain on their heads. There wasn't much to be seen all about the rooftops except falling water. Mono stood there by the open door and watched as the caved-in path in front of him turned into a little river of muddy water and go bubbling away and spilling of the edge of the blackened stones. They could hear a few words, coming from all around them, songs from ancient TV programs, plays from days past, and perhaps news of a now non-existent world. Six trotted about under the rain, glancing this way and that for any sign of danger. It seems that the TV man's guidance proved fruitful, as now they were out of harm's way.

Six peered down the edge of the roof, gazing at the hoard below, tirelessly marching in sync. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Mono cried out from behind her. He came rushing towards her and yanked her away from the edge by her hand.

"Wha-What!? What's wrong." She said, visibly shaken.

"We don't know when this thing might bend and toss you off!" He said, letting out a shaky sigh, "Don't scare me like that." and as he said that, a sound came from behind them, stone scraping against stone, they looked back to see that several buildings were now waving back and forth as they were nothing more than dead branches being blown in the wind.

Six placed a hand on her head and shook it slightly, "What's wrong with me... sorry, I haven't thought of that."

Mono looked back at the wobbling buildings then back at the rooftops that stretched before him, "Let's get off this thing before it starts moving." he said. And so he grabbed her hand and made a run for it.

They skipped through the rooftops while fat droplets of rain bounced off their heads and all about them. Through the sound of the splashing waters, they could still hear the faint hissing of pipeworks and the howling of the drain system from below them. It now felt as if the city had woken from a long slumber, and the night became alive with its music. And as they moved, more and more echos of TV programs were added to that song. A few more leagues forward, they came across a gap between two buildings with no way across.

Mono looked about and saw that the bending buildings were now brushing off against the other, one particular building with a huge red-glowing neon sign which spelt out 'Benedict's garden.' slammed against a set of flats and came crashing down on the hoard of chanting creatures below. There was no time to sit idly. He strode into a small tool house and looked for anything of use. "Six! I need your lighter quick!" Mono cried.

"Here!" Six came trotting inside with the lighter in her hands, Mono took it and struck the flint and illuminated the room with what little light it gave.

He waved the lighter all about, coming across many things a box full of screwdrivers and wrenches. He then turned the other way and found a huge wooden plank, "There!" Mono said, pointing at the plank, "Give me a hand with this." He said and kicked through the bolts and screws scattered all over the floor as he made his way towards it.

Six was close behind him, following the path he made. She reached for the plank and started pulling at it, struggling to wrench it free from the corner. A loud boom echoed from around them and the ground beneath their feet shifted and quaked. Mono froze stiff as terror gripped his heart with icy fingers. We're gonna fall, we're gonna fall! "Six! PULL!" he shouted.

"I'm trying!" she cried. With a yank, the plank cracked and came loose, Mono held it stead from the front while Six carried it from the back.

"Come on! Come on!" Mono said as he stepped outside and made for the edge of the building. They went to work, hauling the plank up and over and sliding across the other side. Mono stood there, dangerously close to the edge where the slightest slip could mean the end of him. He gulped hard and focused on steading the plank across the gap. Next to him, Six kept it from falling off the edge. "There! It's done. I'll go first."

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