Garden of eyes

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I'm about to become a productive member of society in a few months time. Jeez, growing old is scary. Enjoy dem teenage years while you still can bois and girls, wise man's words (Whoops gloomed the mood!)


total words: 2144


"Beware the light, beware the lig- Close your eyes and let your ears listen, to the transmission... can you hear the wailing- HELP! HELP US! HE'S COMING FOR US ALL! Over there is a separate reality. Mono?" They're everywhere. The voices. They're everywhere! The cries of unseen children, the roaring of ancient transmissions, the shrieking of creatures and the soft voice calling his name. The buzzing in his ears was maddening. He tried to reach to cover his ears, trying to shut away the outside world, but then found that his arms won't move at all. It's a nightmare, it had to be. He kicked with his legs, and just like his arms he noticed that he couldn't feel those either. WAKE UP. WAKE UP, DAMN YOU! His thoughts screamed at him. And with that, his eyes fluttered open, and soon found himself seated on a chair three times his size.

What is this place? He could see a thing. There was no window, there was no light, just him and this chair, and now when he came to he realized there was nought he could do but think, and that would have been possible if it weren't for those infernal voices. But soon enough, he remembered. His memory was still a jumbled mess, but still, Mono could see himself staring at the light for too long and after that, he was falling. falling... Mono's eyes widened as his heart sank in his chest. Six! Her face seemed to float in front of him in the darkness, her crimson eyes weary and her lips pursed. He tried reaching for her, but then again, his arms wouldn't move, bound to this chair by invisible chains. "Six!" he tried calling for her, his voice echoing him and fading into the darkness. He soon realized the pointlessness of it all. Why was he even letting these illusions fool him? This is a separate reality, TV man said as much, don't let it fool you...

After that, Six's face seemed to have disappeared, and the buzzing in his ears became less obnoxious by the moment. Good, we're getting the hang of this already. Now, how to get out of here? If could use neither arms nor legs, there's only one thing left he could use, he closed his eyes and focused his thoughts, looking for that invisible thread just like last time. At first, he tried chasing the transmission, and as that proved fruitless he followed the voice of merrymaking and laughter, that was a dead-end too. But then, he heard something. That wonderful, soothing melody. The one back in the basement where he found her, the one she used to sing when things got too scary, and- there was this other place he heard that tune before, but where? He couldn't remember, but it was a promising lead. So he calmed his mind and allowed his thoughts to follow the soft tune. It got louder and louder, and now he could feel himself getting closer to the end, almost there. His mind jolted, and the soft tune became as horrible as nails on a chalkboard. Mono yelped and lost his focus, finding himself once again seated on this wooden chair, but- a giant fleshy and red-streaked eye was gazing right into his soul. Mono screamed and cowered back into his chair. More and more eyes appeared in the darkness, all of them staring right at him, "The tower, needs a Thin man..." They all spoke in one unnerving voice. Mono gritted his teeth as tears fell from his eyes, get away, get away from me!

The pupils of the one in front of him glitched and turned into what looked like a static from a TV screen, then every other eye all around him did the same. Then, he didn't know from where- but the light seeped into the room, and he saw everything as clear as in daylight, the walls were moving! No, those weren't walls, but one gigantic organism, an eldritch being of which words alone cannot possibly describe, there was no language for such abysms of shrieking and immemorial lunacy, it slopped around abnormally, slobbering and growling all the while "YOU!" The eyes shouted in a harrowing staticky voice. The eyes moved all around as if they were making way for something to pass. Then from the darkness beyond emerged a man shrouded in shade, it first looked like an ordinary man in a suit and a hat, but then as stood up straight and beheld its sheer height and thin body, arms half as long as bamboo trees and legs as scrawny as a chicken. It seem to stop then disappear and reappear again as it moved closer towards Mono. He couldn't do a thing other than watch in terror as the hideous thing inched towards him, "It must have a Thin man... Mono..." the thing said, its entire form twisted grotesquely and vanished, then suddenly appeared a few steps away from where Mono was seated.

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