Round two

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Ah, here we are! Here's one of them 3k words chapter. The cold had finally ceased, we even got to see the sun after all that snow, and I got that burst of motivation to go and write 1k words per day. So here we are! ENJOY!

and don't forget to tell me of any mistakes, this chapter might be full of them.


"Thank you..." Mono said in a low tone. Not wasting any more time, he turned his attention towards the room. He walked one more time through the door and stood there beside the chair in the middle of the room. The giant door behind him closed on its own, "Alright. Here we are again. How do I get out of here?"

"Close your eyes for me, boy." The voice said. And Mono did so willingly, slowly shutting his eyes and allowing the voice in his head to lead the way. He felt a sudden surge of energy coursing through his veins. If there were any way to describe it, he felt as if he were an ancient man that suddenly became a hundred years younger, "Now listen... Can you hear it?"

Mono pressed his eyes harder and furrowed his brows, trying to concentrate harder. But he couldn't hear anything. He didn't even know what he was looking for, "I can't..."

"Reach out further, boy. What you are looking for is beyond this room. Concentrate, try harder." The voice said.

Beyond this room? Alright then. Mono let out a deep breath, calmed his nerve and tried again. Go beyond. Go beyond. This room is just an illusion. This was just like before. He had done it a dozen times before, and this is no different. Then a soft tune began to play, a soothing melody, the same song that had led him to that basement, the one that had led him to her. And now he could hear it! He can definitely hear it now, loud and clear! This will lead him to Six again, he was sure of it, "I can hear it!" Mono cried to the voice.

"Good, now follow it." The voice said.

Mono opened his eyes, looking in the direction the tune was coming from. Surprisingly enough, it was in the same direction as the giant door with the metal eye on top. Mono tilted his head and made for the door, stopping just beneath it, "But... the room will loop again if I open it..." Mono said.

"Just open the door, boy."

Mono stood there for a moment, brooding. Then he hopped and grabbed onto the knob and let his weight twist it downwards. There was a small click again, and as the door began to open, a deep purple light seeped out of the gap. Mono landed on his feet and was taken in complete awe as a new area was revealed to him beyond that door, "Oh my God..." Mono whispered, marvelling at the enormous room, with many, many sets of stairs that spanned endlessly up and down the room. Some spiralled into the walls, some led to doors, and some plunged downwards into the pit below. Were there any walls? Mono couldn't tell. This place defied all logic and reason. Mono looked back and saw that the door he came from had completely vanished, and he was left standing there on a floating stone platform leading to a set of stairs. He went onwards, treading carefully, as the stone he traversed was dangerously narrow, and vertigo struck him like a speeding truck.

He stopped there by the winding set of stairs, which led both upwards and downwards into this inscrutable complex. "Don't get lost, boy. Follow the music."

"The music! The music, right." Mono snapped. But though he found it odd, the music was leading him both up and down, he had no idea which way to go... He took a gamble and went down the stairs. Halfway down and nearing a door, the tune began to slowly fade away, "NO WAIT!" Mono cried, turning on his heels and sprinting back up the stairs, making straight for the upper level. He could hear the music more clearly now. He sighed in relief, knowing he's on the right track again.

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