The Alpha And The Omega

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Oh, joy! Another 4k word chapter! These last parts got me so excited! But holy cow you could just feel the writing getting worse as this chapter progresses. What's scarier to me even, is that this is the chapter before the epilogue! OMG, ITS GONNA FINALLY END! How long has it been? 10 months? a year? NO enough of that now! Plenty of time to reflect on this later! Let's enjoy the ending together, shall we?


The music box fell into a heap of scrap on the floor, and somewhere deep within the complex's pit, a scream sounded, echoing throughout the emptiness of the purple void. A howl thick with anger and distress, same as that of a child who had their favourite toy taken away from them. Mono shuddered at the sound. Fear gripped his heart with a hand as cold as death, but at the same time, he felt a bit of joy. Looks like the tower didn't like the turn of events, not one bit! The ground shook slightly beneath him and the walls of the room began to crack open, and tiny bits of rock dispersed and went to float in the void. 

Six shook away the iron shards of the music box from her hand and turned back to Mono. With only a few steps she was already towering over him. With a soft hum, she laid her hand against the floor and stretched open her fingers, nodding for him to hop into her palm. Mono looked at her for a moment, a wide smile stretching across his lips. He jumped into her hand and hugged her fingers as they closed around on him. Soon enough, he felt himself being lifted off the ground and drawing closer to Six's face. She lifted off her hood and gently placed him on her neck, "Hold on..." She breathed, and Mono grabbed hold of her hair as she drew the hood slightly back on just to keep him from falling off. Oh, boy. There's a first time for everything isn't there? Mono thought. He never thought a day would come when he would ride on the back of something like that. He'd seen people ride dragons before in the movies and those old cheezy TV shows, but this was something else entirely! It was way better than riding on the back of a dragon! 

Before long, Six reared back and made for the wall beside the floating bed. With a low grunt, she drew her arms backwards, hands balling into fists. She pummeled the walls with a force rivalling that of a grizzly bear. Dust flew and the walls caved inwards. A couple more hits and she punched a hole through the concert and sent the rubble flying out into the purple void beyond the room. With that, she dug her fingers in the hole and tore the stones apart, root and stem. One after the other the stones fell, and now from beneath the entanglement of her obsidian hair Mono could finally see the deep purple light, but nothing beyond that. 

Six was about done with tearing a path wide enough for her to cross until the sound of a door creaking open along with the faint staticky noises came from their left. Mono felt her head shooting towards where the sound came from and gave a snarl. Mono shifted between her hair and crawled forth, he pushed away the hood of her raincoat with the back of his hand and saw what had caused her uneasiness. Mono cursed under his breath, he had wasted so much time. The Thin Man was standing there with his left hand bracing him against the door frame and the right hand dangled by his side, still healing, only his fingers were still missing. But every other wound from the blast seemed to have healed already. He eyed the two of them with white-glowing eyes, and his teeth were gritted in fury, "You must not, boy!" The Man hissed. He slowly lifted his arm, the electric current surging through his hand and bouncing from his fingers. 

Mono tensed and readied his defence, "Six, listen to me." He said in her ear. Her crimson eyes, briefly glanced at him, "I'll keep him off our backs, you just focus on getting us out of here!" Mono said. Six nodded, then turned to squeeze through the gap she just tore open. The Man let out a cry as he hurled a current of white energy at the two. Mono popped from beneath the hood and waved his hand upwards, redirecting the surge of energy away from them. It zig-zagged through the air and struck the floating bed, sending cotton and feathers flying in every direction. 

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