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Well, that was unexpected. we're at 281 reads, you guys are wonderful. Truly, thank you. Now I will fight for you.

Wanna hear something stupid? I ended up wasting my writing motivation staring blankly at this part right here, thinking what on earth am I supposed to say. Sat there like an idiot looking at the empty screen, trying to think of something funny. 15 minutes passed, 30, 45 then an hour and then ended up shutting down. GOOD JOB ME, I GUESS!

Bloody hell, alright here we go.

Note; 3K+ words you're in for a very long read (yay i guess)


Mono kept Six close as they dodged the beam of the flashlight, he had to clasp his hand over his mouth to muffle his breathing as the hunter drew closer. They hurried from one wooden crate to the other, skipping behind sacks of pelts and making for an old rotted outhouse.

All that was left to do was sprint across the field and run for the woods, Mono thought they had a better chance of losing him there. He held Six's hand as he peeked over the corner of the outhouse. The hunter was there flashlight swinging from one hand while the other gripped the shotgun. He prowled through the yard, gravel crunching beneath his boots, muffled breathing sounds came from beneath it's muddy potato sack. Suddenly it waved it flashlight backwards, Mono gasped and behind the corner.

As the beam turned to the other side Mono peeked again. boy, that thing sure is patient. He thought, he felt Six nudge his shoulder. He turned to face her, a small part of her features were hidden behind that patch of black hair, all saw was those dry, pale lips and boney cheeks.

She pointed towards a small dark-brown cardboard box that could possibly fit the two of them, he looked back at her confused, what is she trying to tell me?

She made gestures with her hands, as if she was lifting something and crawling under it, Six then stood upwards and raised her arms as she walked. "You want us to surrender?" Mono said, sounding quite concerned.

Six just facepalmed in annoyance, she shook her head frantically. She pointed towards the cardboard box again and repeated the gestures. "OH! why didn't you say so? crawl under the cardboard and move while he's not looking! Smart..." Mono said.

Six's mouth made a straight line as she nodded slowly. Mono gave a thumbs up, and peeked around the corner for any sign of the hunter. There he was still standing there, menacingly.

"Right, just follow me and be careful not to make a sound. When I say go, be ready to run." Mono said. keeping his eyes on the hunter, waiting for him to turn around. "Okay Six, n- Huh?" looking back, Six wasn't there. His eyes widened, She was already running towards the cardboard box. "Unbelievable... hey wait up!" Mono's voice escaped in a whisper.

Six turned around and waved her hand towards her, Mono sprang to his feet and tipped toed his way to the box, Six lifted the box for him. As he crawled inside, Mono felt strangely at ease, safe from the outside world. The box had two see-through gaps, one at the front and the other at the back. Six crawled in next and knelt beside Mono.

As the beam from the hunter's flashlight moved away, they hopped to their feet, raised the box and started moving through the field with careful and synchronized steps. Every time the beam drew closer Mono signal Six to stop and drop the box, allowing it to cover them.

the light seeped through the gaps and stayed like that for a while, making Mono bite his lower lip. did it notice us already? he felt his heart drumming in his ears, but then relaxed as the beam moved away.

They repeated the same pattern, moving in unison and stopping at smallest hint of danger. their tiny feet brushing against the cool grass as they finally made it passed the yard. That's until something snapped, under someone's feet. He looked back towards Six, who's teeth were gritted and her eyes were pierced shut, she looked back at him apologetically.

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