The bending towers

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1.6k reads 89 votes... imma cry a river now. (Maybe a sea) like you made this tiny gremlin here very happy, I can't even tell you how much. Here! have another chapter! I insist!

Note; 2k+ words



Few hours in and they were surrounded by fog, Mono squinted as he tried to observe his surroundings. Welp, it appears we are stranded. Dove into the sea straight on with no means of navigation tools, no map no compass, nothing. "Six, who about you turn off the engine and come down here." He felt his lips drying in the cold air, a few good berries might compensate for that.

Six did as he asked, she pushed the red button and went to join him, pulling on the berries she had been holding on to from her tiny pockets. She sat next to him and picked at the blueberries, keeping some for the bruises on her legs.

"Boy, I would have made a terrible pirate." Mono said.

Six snorted and took another mouthful of berries. Mono smiled too, but he was genuinely worried now, they came all this way only to be lost at sea... He had to figure something out fast.

"Say, are those cuts healing?" Mono asked. Six looked up at him then back to her legs, as it turns out the berries were healing her cuts, but rather at a very slow pace. Six nodded, "Good, that's good." Mono said, nodding himself. he picked a few more berries before giving the rest of his share to Six.

"No." she said, giving him back the berries.

"I want you to have them." Mono said as he gently clasped his hand over hers. He found where he placed that oversized sailor hat, he felt the cotton fabric before laying his head back. Looking up at the clouds above. He did feel like sleeping, the splashing of waves against the wooden surface of the boat was quite inviting to say the least. But then again he thought against it, there was just something queer going on about. He looked up at Six to see if she felt it too. No, she was unaware, she busied herself by rubbing more berries over her wounds. Mono raised his head as the buzzing and static became louder.

"Do you... Do you hear that?" Mono said, looking at her. Six stopped what she was doing and parted her lips, listening for it. She then shook her head. Something slammed against the boat, slightly rocking it back and forth. Six was shaken, her eyes going wide. Mono stood up and planted his feet firmly on the floor. He struggled to the edge of the boat as it was still rocking all around.

he reached for the wooden frames and peered over, He saw a TV floating about, one that still had its screen intact. "What in the?" Mono said, his voice hushed. More and more Televisions appeared from beyond the fog. Every TV shared the same wooden design, and every button on the same spot. What was eerie about it all, they all bore striking resemblance to those back in the forest.

Mono looked closer, Six hopped to the second wooden platform and looked over the edge, she was awestruck with what she saw. Without warning the TVs with their screens intact all flashed at once. Mono's jaw dropped, Curses! those things aren't even plugged, how is that even possible?!

one TV suddenly gave off a blinding flash of light, Mono yelped and got knocked off the second wooden platform. He fell back inside the boat and held his ears and sealed his eyes shut, the buzzing was just unbearable, it was so bad that he felt it might fry his brain. He gritted his teeth, making pained noises in his throat. "Over here, boy..." a voice called.

"Mono!" Six held him by his arms, "what happened...? You alright...?"

"Six?" He said, his hands grabbing hers in return. The buzzing had ceased, the blinking of TVs had stopped, all at once... Mono shook his head, it throbbed like a mouthful of infected teeth. "I'm good... it may sound weird... but I think I know where we have to go." He said as he stood back on his feet. making straight for the engine. Six just sat there, her head tilted. She couldn't get a read on this boy...

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