Wonderful darkness

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Why the hell did I name this chapter wonderful darkness... Idk, guess I'm running out of ideas.

I don't even know why I chose this wallpaper too, just thought it was hilarious XD (caption literally says how to survive in hospital level.)

total words 2.3k



After a good moment of rest, the little ones resumed their journey. Mono took the lead, holding his torch in one hand and keeping Six close with his other. He shone his light upon every sign as they went down the hall. They passed by ransacked rooms with beds turned over, rectangular lights swinging from the ceiling, and pull-out drawers ripped from their shelves and lay scattered all about the marble floor.

Mono found nothing for them here. Perhaps this place was the least visited by that creature, judging by how this place was left untended. "Are we lost? I feel like we've been going in circles." Six whispered from behind him.

Mono shook his head, "No, everything here just looks the same." Mono said, waving the light upwards, "But look, the sign says we should take a left to reach the plasma section."

"Whatever Mr. Sign says then." Six said and kept quiet for the rest of the path. And so they went onwards, following the signs. Six found a bit of playful spirit in herself and began hopping from one tile to the other. She spread her arms in a T pose as if she was trying to fly, then placed her feet close together and began walking the fine line between the tiles. Mono spared her a glance, for what little comfort her playfulness provided her. she was still managing to smile in a place as horrible as this. Mono found himself smiling as well. He couldn't say how much he wanted to join her, but he knew better. He focused on the task ahead and kept an eye out for that horrible monster. Should it appear again, they had to make a run for it.

Mono halted beneath a set of double doors and shone his light upon it, then left and right until he found the sign just above them, "First floor, testing section, plasma-" He couldn't make out the rest, as the words were worn out, "We're here." He said, looking back at Six. She hopped on the last tile and stopped there, panting a bit.

She took one long look at the doors and said, "It's too dark in there." She could see nothing beyond those two windows atop the doors.

"Are you scared?" Mono said.

"Not really."

"Good, because I am," Mono said, reaching for her hand. He connected with her fingers and felt the warmth of her skin.

"Jeez, Mono. Your hands are ice cold." She said, pressing harder against his knuckles, "You could've at least said so..."

"Oh, it doesn't matter now. Let's get this done." He said. He hung his torch to his belt and went to place his hands on the door. Six joined him, and soon with their combined might, they pushed the door open. It swung open heavily and on rusty hinges. The little ones made it to the other side and let the doors close behind them. Mono rushed to grab the flashlight. Once the light shone upon the room, they stood there frozen stiff, feet glued to the floor and their blood rushed through their veins.

"M-Mono?" Six said, tugging at his arm, "We really don't have to do this..."

"What happened to not being scared?" Mono said, not moving an inch. He stood there staring at the mass of lifeless mannequins, some mangled, some twisted, some with their backs turned to him. There were even some hiding behind curtains and beneath beds and around dark corners, laying there in wait. Mono felt their cold, glassy eyes staring him down. The door leading towards the plasma section was right there, at the very end of the room, beyond that batch of monstrosities.

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