The school

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That vid up there, it's literally me trying to link the story together xD

we... reached 2k reads. please, excuse me. *goes to the woods and screams lungs out.* Guys really, I can't tell how awesome you are! thank you! 

Well! I managed to squeeze three chapters in the span of 7 days, points for the effort I guess! alright, mates! hope you enjoy this one! see you at the bottom of the page!

note; 2k+ words


Six was dead quiet after what happened a few hours ago. They made through the streets of the city, where the only sounds were the howling of the drain system, the whistling of pipes, and the pitter-patter of water against the pavement, they passed through many abandoned shops with flickering neon lights along the way, from bars to restaurant and motels alike. Mono had snuck a peek inside the structures from behind the glass windows, right there on the barstools, laid more desolate clothing. Shoes, and trousers. High heels, and skirts. Oh hell, is there no one left around here? he thought. He didn't know whether this was for the better or worse.

He hopped back down from the outer window sill and landed back on the stone pavement. Six was across the street clad in Mono's coat, looking through the glass of a boutique shop, her eyes somewhat unwavering from that simple yellow dress, but it was considerably large for her size.

Mono felt she was being distant a bit. And in the back of his mind, he wondered if it was his fault. He dropped down from the pavement and crossed the street to the other side. his feet lightly tapping against the damp asphalt as he made it across.

"Whacha doing?" Mono spoke.

Six made a small gasp, "N-nothing."

"Do you like that dress?"

Six's gaze went to the dress then snapped back to Mono, "Wha- No!"

Mono smiled and took a few steps closer to the glass, he hopped and grabbed onto the edge of the sill, then hauled himself upwards. He placed his hands on the window and looked inside. He saw rows of clothing hanging quite neatly from metal rods. He could see why Six liked this place so much, there was even something for him too. A black woolen jacket with great-sized lapels caught his eye. It had pockets on both sides of the breast, it was fastened from the waist downward by black buttons. And inside that jacket was a shirt made of white linen. But like everything else in the shop, it was just colossal for him to wear.

Mono huffed and dropped back down to the pavement, he went to where Six was standing and sat cross-legged, "Oh man... We were born at the wrong time, Six."

Six sighed and sat next to him, she tugged at the brown coat over her shoulders and closed it around her knees, "You think?" She said.

Mono smiled under his paper bag, "Yeah..." Mono said nodding. "There might have been a time where everyone was happy..."

Six looked at him and said nothing, she leaned in closer.

"What say you, Six? Can you imagine how that time could have been like? Or how it will be again, someday..."

"Again?" Six said, huffing in amusement.

"One's gotta have some degree of optimism..." he said and managing the weakest smile, "At least, I'd like to..."

Six hugged her knees tightly and made a small sound in her throat, she looked as if she was absorbed in thought. "A world without monsters..." She murmured.

"Yes..." Mono said nodding, his paper bag cracking with his movement.

"It's really... hard." Six said.

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