The west wing

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We shall begin immediatly!

Total words 1969


"Wonderful... damn it, Mono! Where the hell are we?!" Six cried.

Mono looked at her and raised his hands, "Oi, don't look at me! This was your idea" He shone his torch about the room, waving it this way and that and stopping on the interesting spots for a brief moment. Then as the light of the torched went past a grotesque being, Mono made a small gasp in his throat. Once he shone the light at it again, he discovered that it was only a plant, a withered one at that, its tall limbs cracked and naked. Spooked by a plant, damn it, Mono. He was sure glad Six didn't notice that. He wouldn't hear the end of it. Moving on, as the little ones ventured further into the room and the more content the light revealed, it became doubtless that they were in the middle of the emergency section of a hospital. Six moved in closer and found her hand in his. Her palm was sweaty, and her fingers trembled. Mono thought she might be unnerved by the darkness that surrounded them. He felt it too, and before he knew it, sweat was already beading on his forehead. He didn't like this place, but he couldn't let fear take command either, "How about a joke?" Mono blurted.

Six's turned her head to face him, beneath the hood of the coat and behind that curtain of hair, her eyes looked at him in complete bewilderment, "Wha-? Now?! Are you being serious?" She said.

Her hand stopped trembling. He could feel some of her tension leaving her. So he continued, "You have to know one."

"Mono, this is hardly the time!" She said.

Mono just shrugged, "I'll go first if you like." He offered. Six was about to say something in protest, but Mono began, "I put all my watches together to make a belt."

"Mono, not now..."

"It was a waist of time..." he said, trying to stifle a giggle.

Six was silent for a moment, processing what she just heard, "Oh my God..." Six sighed, placing her free hand on her forehead, "That is the worst joke I have ever heard..."

Mono snorted and let out a small laugh, "Right? That's the best part of it! Come on, you have to know one."

Six made a small noise in her throat, "Trust me. If you hear it, you'll pray for a quick death."

"It can't be any worse than this one," Mono said, giving her a nudge on the shoulder.

Finally, Six shrugged and said, "Oh well, don't say I didn't warn you." she cleared her throat and readied herself for the worst, "People are making apocalypse jokes like there's no tomorrow..." Six's lips made a straight line, she awaited the ridicule, but it didn't come. Instead, Mono let out a laugh so loud Six had to place her hand against his paper bag to hush him. "Seriously? That made you laugh?!"

Mono nodded, trying hard to stop laughing, "Suites the atmosphere. It couldn't have been better timed..." Six felt a smile spread across her lips, his laughter replacing fear with warmth, "Right my turn!"

"What is blue and not heavy?"

"I don't know what?"

And so they passed through doors and small gaps, talking and laughing all the while. Mono kept his eyes open for a power switch as they went on. Six kept looking around nervously. Following the light of Mono's torch, it was fortunate indeed that they didn't run into any of those mangled creatures as they strode along the rooms. After a while the two found themselves standing in the middle of a hallway, and there seems to be a small shred of light coming from the far end.

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