The shack

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Wonderful, a few reads! I guess now I have a promise to keep. right, this story will be updated once or twice a week, three times if we're lucky. If you get nothing please note that I'm either having a mental breakdown (mainly because of terrible project teammates) or just fancied sleeping instead. 

Warning; this chapter will contain gore.

right off we go then! enjoy.


boy, it sure is freezing out here, Mono thought. He could have sworn that it wasn't this chilly a moment ago. rubbing his hands together and shoving them in his trench coat. through the tiny circles of his paper bag, he saw a path of dirt stretching in front of him, a path leading deeper into the forest. He could only see so far into the trees before everything was enveloped in darkness. The only source of light was the faint glimmer of the moon that shone through the half-bare branches. 

there was only one thing he couldn't understand, how did he get here again? he looked behind him, only to find a TV about his height. Nothing too special about it, its antennas creaked as they swayed with every burst of wind. The screen was black, Mono could only see his reflection in it. beyond the Television stood a rocky cliff that was impossible to reach, for him at least. 

The cold wind now pierced through Mono's clothes freezing him to the core, he couldn't think of anything else right now. Finding shelter was the first thing to come to his mind. Not wasting another second he ventured down the path which seemed to be the only way through the gloomy forest.

The leaves crunched under his feet as he made his way through the tall trees. Onward and upward, clambering up rocky slopes and sliding down steep hillsides, pushing through tall grass and squeezing through tree roots until finally, the dirt path ended. He was greeted by a broken-down bridge. Mono looked around for another way, he turned his head this way and that, nothing. The cliff just stretched as far as his eyes could see. 

He approached the edge and looked downward, yep will probably kill me. he couldn't see the bottom. Mono was almost out of options, that's until he looked up. A tree branch stretched from one end of the cliff to the other. that could work, he thought aloud. So he made for the tree and climbed to the top with ease. As he reached for the branch, a flock of crows suddenly flew, cawing and flapping their wings violently. Mono gasped as he lost his grip, but he grabbed the edge of the branch firmly with his other hand, then hauled himself to safety. he let out a sigh as he clutched the collar of his shirt, trying to even his ragged breath. 

From the corner of his eye, he spotted something, a wooden structure. it appeared to be a shack. Mono's brown eyes glimmered with hope, he can finally get some shelter from the cold. He just needed to reach the other side. But now that he thought about it, this was a terrible idea. As he looked down he was struck with a sudden giddy feeling. He was two feet above the ground.  

He swallowed hard as sweat began to trickle down his spine. Well, there's no going back now...

"Just don't look down." he said to himself, "just don't look down..." he repeated again and again while walking along the branch. As he reached the end of the branch, his blood froze in his veins and his heart was drumming in his ears. "O-oh boy, the next time I get an idea like this-" the branch cracked, sending him into a blind panic. he leaped across the cliff screeching as he fell.

"Oof!" he landed on the other side unscathed, he looked back seeing the branch breaking and falling down the abyss. his breath steamed in front of him, he let out a nervous laugh before getting up and dusting himself off. "Right! so far so good." he thought aloud, then proceeded onward.

the entire floor of the forest was now carpeted with dead leaves, he only hoped that insects wouldn't pop out and bite at his feet. 

Mono had lost the sense of direction for a moment, he stood his ground for a moment and looked back. "weird." he murmured. The bushes on his left rustled, his head shot in the direction of the sound. suddenly on edge, he clenched his fists, "Hello? anyone there?" he called out.

the bushes rustled even more, sending a shiver down his spine. "Come out!" please don't.

as it burst out of the bushes mono screamed and hid his face, expecting it to lunge at him and tear him to little red ribbons. But nothing, as he moved his arms away, he saw that the creature was just a brown rabbit. It tilted its head at him, its nose twitching up and down. "Huh... hey there." he said, his body relaxing. "You shouldn't go around scaring people like that!" Mono said cheerfully now. 

the rabbit stood there idly, "what's the matter? hey, come here..." Mono said as he made small clicking noises. the rabbit's ears jolted upwards as if sensing something, "It's okay, come here." the rabbit hopped away, leaving. "Oh, come on." Mono sighed, as he watched the rabbit hop away. 

SNAP! a terrible sound followed by the sickening crushing of bones and the splurting of dark crimson over Mono's paper bag. He stood there frozen stiff, eye wide with both horror and shock. for a moment he forgot to breathe.  There it was, the metal of the bear trap was all coated in blood, and the rabbit was all mangled and twisted into a sickening form. Mono lifted a shaky hand to his mouth under his paper bag. he drew backward but his feet brushed against something solid. His heart leaped to his throat, he dared not take another step. He slowly glanced to his side, his fear growing the more his tiny little eyes saw... 

He stood in the middle of it all, under the leaves poked out shiny metal teeth, bear traps ready to split him in half at the slightest misstep. 

his mind was in jumbles, torn between screaming or running. he couldn't stop shaking, and the world around him wouldn't stop spinning. he had to get out of here, and quickly. But how? everywhere he turned, a trap lies in wait. then it struck him, there were small dirt patches from where the rabbit had hopped before, he could start with that, for now. 

he jumped from one patch to the other, he turned his head away from where the rabbit was caught, avoiding the grizzly scene as best he could. there between his small feet hidden beneath the leaves was a wooden sick. he picked it up carefully so it didn't trigger anything.

He tightened his grip on the stick, and once he saw those vicious metal teeth, he swung the stick with great force over the plate, SNAP! up came the jaws of the bear trap and split his stick in half. Mono was knocked on his rear. Along came another series of snapping sounds, traps springing out of the leaves and snapping at nothing, it went on and on until the path ahead was mostly clear. "Right time to bail!" he said jolting back to his feet and sprinting through the triggered bear traps. Hauling himself up a rocky hill, his anxiety leaving him as he could now see where he was stepping. But it was only short-lived, he was met with yet another hideous sight. A wagon laden with bags filled with who-knows-what. and overhead swung a net with arms and legs poking out of it, flies were buzzing all around, and the closer Mono got the more horrible the stench became. 

He held his nose and bolted past them, "This place is bad! this place is bad!" he said. 

From beyond the trees, the shack came into view. Its shadow stretching across the grassy field. Mono wasn't so sure about going in there anymore, he turned around and looked behind him, he didn't want to go back there either. The cold wind sliced through his skin like rime daggers, Mono grunted, "Blast it all!" he said, and made for the shack.

there wasn't a single shred of light coming from it, no oil lanterns no candles, nothing. He didn't know what to expect, he reached the side of the porch, and claimed up the wooden stairs leading to the front door, he had this sudden urge to climb up the railing and balance himself as went onwards. he hopped off and made for the door. strangely enough, it was unlocked. The wind hissed as it blew through the small gap. 

It took more effort than usual to push the door open, it creaked on rusty hinges. Finally, it was open, and as he expected. he saw nothing but total blackness. "Hello?!" he called out stupidly.


No animals were harmed in the making of this scene.

don't worry guys, the rabbit is a paid actor and a professional stunt man. strangely enough, he enjoys his job a bit too much. 

Right, end of chapter 2, readers are more likely to notice my mistakes than I do, so please point them out. peace out!

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