Soothing melody

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Kinda weird that everyone dreams about falling off a cliff, drowning, being in prison, or maybe the pyramids of Egypt started flying to space for some reason. While here I am dreaming about chasing random folk and brutally murdering them. (do I need help? I swear I wouldn't harm a fly.)

Right, usually they tell me to show and not tell, but I'll let you off on a little secret. This story will focus on their bond (a lot), and the journey will be long.

2.5k+ Words, you're in for a long read. (and here I thought this was supposed to be a short story... Oh well.)

Art belongs to Cj.khalif.D on twitter


No answer, Mono wasn't sure whether to worried or relived about that. This place was a clear invitation for trouble, and his mind was constantly screaming at him to turn back. whatever lives here might come back at any moment and he didn't want to be anywhere near this place when it arrives.

Right, gotta make it quick. He had to find anything useful for the journey before bailing out, but... wouldn't that be stealing? Mono nearly punched himself, who cares about petty morality right now? Survival comes first. The owner probably deserves getting robbed, Mono thought.

He looked around the room, where not even the moonlight reached. He couldn't see a thing, but he did smell something cooking. A heat wave slapped him across the cheeks, and soon enough his entire body felt warm. Lucky break!

above him, an electric panel was fixed to the wall. there was a switch and next to it a red light was faintly blinking. Too high for him to reach tough, he strode further inside the room, careful not trip or step on something sharp, he kept his arms in front of until he felt something solid brush his fingers, a wooden chair. He dragged along, legs scrapping against the rough wooden surface. Mono propped it against the counter, hopped on the seat then up and over until he reached the top. the granite felt cool and slippery under his feet, the switch was only a few steps away from him. Before long he was at the edge of the counter, and what was left for him to do is jump and flip the switch.

He leaped and grabbed on to the switch, letting his weight do the rest of the work. With a satisfying click, the lightbulb blinked to life, filling the room with a rather gloomy yellow light. The kitchen had probably seen better days, the wallpaper had been peeled off and water ran through the cracks and empty cobwebs filled every corner. Mono let go of the switch and dropped down to the floor. In the middle of the room stood a table, where empty plates and rusted Knives and forks were haphazardly set.

Mono followed his nose, and that brought him to the stove. Whatever it was, it smelled so good that it made his mouth water. he tugged on both sleeves of his brown coat and pulled out the baking pan from the small gap. Baked potatoes, six of them, wrapped and preserved in aluminum. They topped with pepper and salt. But nearly too big for Mono to carry with him.

He took one out, seized it between the gaps and split it in half, then split it in half again until it could neatly fit his pockets. He was to hungry to wait for later, so picked one of the pieces and started munching on them. It warmed his mouth, nothing could beat the taste of potatoes. He sat there for a while, sitting comfortably on the floor while enjoying the heat of the stove and the warm meal. But still always on guard in case that thing decided to show up. The exit was right there beside him and he could reach it quickly.

In the back of his mind he started to wonder, who on earth did he end up here? and why this place of all places? And why had he no memory of what happened before he woke up next to that TV in the forest? What crept him out the most, is that everything seemed so very familiar. He took another bite and chewed slowly, trying to remember as best he could.

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