A cycle's end

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I dedicate this book to you, my wonderful readers, the ones who showed me that my stuff is actually worth reading. It's been a marvellous journey, I had so much fun writing this for you, and I learned a great many things throughout the process. Words cannot express how thankful I am to you, truly... 

Let's enjoy the final chapter together! Be warned though, it is 5.5k words long... grab your popcorn and lets roll!


The Man awoke to the sound of rumbling and the dust that fell on him and bounced off his hat. He opened his eyes to see the walls all about him had turned to flesh. Eyes sprouted from around every corner, and somewhere in the distance a great howl leapt through the air of the complex and echoed around the fleshy surface. "NO!" The Man screamed. The cycle reached this point already!? The boy is about to fall! She's going to drop him! He had to find him, now. Before it's too late.

The fleshy walls all about him drew closer and closer. The many eyes of The Tower staring daggers into his soul, as they have so many years before. If he'd still was that scared little boy from long ago maybe he would've been scared to death. But now, none of this fazed him, not after all these years sitting there in that chair, with the voices in his head and screams of innocents he just fed to The Tower. The boy doesn't deserve that same fate, The Tower cannot be allowed to have another soul. BRING ME THEIR FLESH OR I'LL FEAST ON YOURS! The Tower screeched, her grating voice bounding in the back of his head. Oh, I'll bring you something to chew on, but you will never have the boy. The Man thought, and with a wave from his hand, he sent a wave of bluish energy whirling against the looming fleshy walls, scaring them away. Before long, The Man glitched back to his feet and turned towards the door the little ones fled from. He reached with his arm and curled his fingers back, making the door groan and creak. Then with a pull from his elbow, the door burst outwards as splinters of wood sprayed everywhere.

There was no time for a merry goose chase. The Man's eyes glowed a bright greyish colour as his vision was enveloped in black. He took a deep breath and focused. Focused on the tapping of their footsteps, the beating of their hearts, their laboured breathing. And then he heard them, their tiny forms appearing as small white phantasms running through the narrow hallways with their hands clasped with one another as the walls of The Tower closed in on them.

"THEY ARE MINE! LEAVE THEM BE!" The Man shouted and glitched out of existence. He appeared once more, now standing in the middle of the fleshy hallway, a few leagues away from the two.

"Don't look back, Six!" He heard the boy shout as he leapt over the slimy tendrils with the girl close by. He heard the shrikes of The Tower in his mind, it was enough to make his ears bleed. Its lust for souls knows no end, and now as these two are running about in its halls, it made it all the more agitated, "I Said, BACK OFF!" The man bellowed. And with a flick of his hand, he sent a massive surge of energy through the hall. The fleshy walls exploded into a grotesque display of dark crimson, staining The Man and his suit. The boy, shaken to his core turned to see The Man standing there at the far end of the hallway as blood rained down on him from the ceiling. The boy stumbled and fell on his rear, only for the girl to yank him under his elbow and push him back to his feet. "GO NO FURTHUR, BOY!" The Man said, but his words fell on deaf ears as the little ones kept on fleeing towards the archway. The archway The Man remembered painfully well...

He was getting closer to the point of no return. The Man's entire form glitched in a frenzied panic, if he doesn't do anything now she'll-! He chased the two down as if the fate of the entire world depended on it. They were already past the archway and debris was already falling to block the path, but The Man wouldn't have it. He thrust his arm upwards and sent the falling rubble back to where they came from. Damn it! Goddamnit! HURRY! For the love of all that is good! STOP THEM! His thoughts screamed at him as he inched closer to the hallway, "I won't let it happen again! I WON'T! MONO! STOP, PLEASE!" He placed his hand along the edge of the archway and glitched to the other side.

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