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Wooo, Merry Christmas everybody! I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday! Mine has been quiet crazy, I hadn't even got the chance to write anything this week, but now here I am, 2k words done and nearing the end!

Enjoy lads!
Small note: sorry if this part gets a bit scary, couldn't help myself there.


Mono burst out of the elevator the moment the double doors slid open. He looked around the dimly lit room like a little boy lost in a crowd. Glancing back at Six, he found her struggling to keep the doors from closing again. Her back was against the iron surface, and her feet were digging into the floor, pushing back the door with her tiny form. She looked back at him and shouted, "I can't hold it for much longer!"

Panicking, Mono tried looking for something to prop the doors open with, then found a giant cardboard box sitting there, a level higher than him on a steel shelf. He drew back, then hopped and grabbed on the edges of the shelf and hauled himself upwards. He got behind the cardboard box and kicked it down. Even though they were a floor beneath the west wing, they could still hear the creature's roars coming from above them, horrible wheezing and pants, along with the sound of rumbling. "This should buy us some time," Mono said, pushing the cardboard box and stationing it in between the double doors, "You can let go now!" Mono said.

Six backed away and sat there on the floor, rubbing her hands against the back of her feet. The double doors closed against the cardboard box, slid open and closed again, over and over. That's when Mono knew it was safe, for now. The creature above them let out yet another roar, one that's filled with sheer rage. They heard its rumbling growing fainter by the second, soon it sounded like it was leaving the west wing, and a while later, they could hear it no more. Mono let out a ragged breath and sat back against the cold floor for a moment.

Six was sitting there, just a few feet away from him, her face propped in her hands, "Hey, you gonna be alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, just a bit winded."

"It's alright. Take as much time as you need." Mono said, standing back up.

"I'm fine. I think it's best if we keep moving. That thing up there is still on the move..." She said, pointing upwards with her forefinger. "We can't afford to stop now." She added and to join Mono. "Right... where to now?"

Mono looked around the dimly lit room, seeing all kinds of cardboard boxes with small sticky notes attached to them. Arms, some of them said, then came the rows of Legs, and at the very top of the shelves, Mono found the box with the Torso notes. "Guess we have to follow the signs again," Mono said as he started down the hall, keeping his eyes upwards, "There's supposed to be an exit sign somewhere around here. It should look something like a man running towards a door."

"A man running..." Six repeated, "Okay, I'll keep an eye out."

The little ones moved quietly, careful not to draw anything's attention. The light of Mono's flashlight began to blink, threatening to die on them at any moment. Mono turned to Six to ask for the lighter but then held that thought as he remembered that she had lost it back there in the plasma room. So instead, he shook the flashlight and hit it on the side, trying desperately to keep the battery alive. There weren't any exit signs anywhere, and they had been walking for half an hour without much luck. They passed through doors that were either locked or barricaded from the other side. This whole place is just the same. Oh, who am I kidding? After journeying miles and miles more, all of it was the same. One hell after the other. Who's to say what awaited them beyond every wasn't going to be any better? But soon, Mono bit his lip, trying to rid himself of these poisonous thoughts. Loss of hope will get them nowhere. They kept to the path of the hallway, squeezing between the legs of hospital beds and climbing over plastic curtains, all while keeping their keen eyes open at the darker corners of the hospital.

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