Plastic Hooligans

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When I was little, I used to be scared of dolls. Yep, especially the ones that moved. dunno they still creep me out to this day, I just hate the way they look at me.

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crunch, crunch, crunch. The snapping of porcelain between her teeth filled the ventilation system. Six gripped Mono's hand tightly, he could feel her entire form trembling as more horrid growling came from around the corner. She had her other hand clasped to her mouth trying her best not to make a sound. But whether it was intentional or not, a tiny cry escaped Six's lips. The woman shrieked, the bones in her neck cracked with every twist and turn. Mono rushed to shield Six, pushing her as far back into the darkness as possible, far enough until his back hit a dead end with nowhere left to run.   

"I'm sorry, I'm-I'm so sorry..." Six whispered in a trembling voice.

"Shhh, stay behind me..." Mono said. He stood there unmovingly and uttered not a single whisper. He could see her shadow looming, its mangled form drawing closer and closer to the corner. Mono's heart leaped to his throat as he felt a shiver running down his spine, his muscles went stiff and his throat has gone dry. 

Moments later, her head peeked around the corner, her horrendous features coming into view. It was the same as that woman in the portrait, only the portrait was much more generous with her features. Her skin was folded against itself, wrinkles covered her entire face, her eyes were bawling out so far they might slip out of their sockets. As she chewed, tiny bits of porcelain fell from between her teeth and bounced off the surface, the woman made obnoxious growls as her head prowled and slithered through the narrow path. 

She suddenly snapped in their direction, her deathly stare boring into Mono. He tightened his grip on Six, fighting hard not to scream. The woman didn't lunge to bite them, nor did it shriek, she just looked around. She can't see us? It appears so... they were hidden in the shadows, hugging the wall behind them and not moving a single muscle.

Soon enough the woman lost interest and slowly slid out of the vents, her head neatly adjusting back into her shoulders as it had been. It made a few more chewing sounds before gulping down the pieces of porcelain. Mono saw her exit the library and slam the door shut behind her, the click-clacking of high heels fading away with each step she took.

Mono let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, he held his collar and rubbed his hand up and down his chest, soothing that burning sensation. that was way too close. After he caught his breath he went to check on Six. She didn't move from her spot, she was still there, hugging her knees and trembling. And in her eyes glimmered a faint reddish color.

"Hey... She's gone, we should move." Mono said, kneeling beside her. "Hey. You alright?" he said, gently grabbing her hand. "Come on, we can do this, yeah?" 

Six nodded in response, squeezing his hand, "Yeah." 

"That's it." Mono said as she stood back on her feet, "We'll get out of this, alright? trust me." He gave her a pat on the arm. That made her smile, she lifted her head and regarded him warmly. The crimson glow in her eyes fading away.

"Yeah." She said. Mono held her hand and led her through the vents. They passed the spot where the doll had been torn to pieces, only its right arm and both legs remained. Mono slipped one last glance at it, first a crazy man with a gun, an endless night, towers that bend, TVs that call his name, and now little dolls with a noodle-necked teacher. What's causing all of this? Nothing was ever that hard before... or was it? Mono could hardly remember. Now that he'd thought about it, he never really knew what happened before he came out of that TV back in the woods, for every time he tried to recall, all he'd get was this black image, and a vague vision of a blurry figure towering over him. And if he tried to dig deeper back into his memories than that, his head would start to ache terribly.

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