The doctor

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Woopdie doo! Another chapter in just three days! Heh, getting kinda scary though, this story is actually reaching the end... there's only a few chapters left. Wow, it's been a bash! I really never thought this would get this many reads, now that we are at 14.7k actually. What can I say... you guys are really wonderful.

Let's enjoy this, shall we?

total words: 2256


Low growls, heavy pants, her muffled breathing next to him, Mono kept his eyes on that hunk of flesh. Its yellow, misshapen eyes each floating in a direction of their own, darting across the room in a maniacal frenzy until they stopped on the mannequin. From between its jagged and broken teeth fell a line of drool as it growled in abysmal dismay. Perhaps the mannequin had been left sitting there for a reason, thought Mono.

Its entire body slithered downwards, hands reaching for the giant lamp to push it away. It now hung only from its stunted legs, looking around suspiciously as if something had disturbed the room. Mono nearly retched at the sight of its face, its face was folded horribly, brimming with cuts and gashes from which oozed out a slimy white substance. The flesh on the lower lip was missing, letting loose an endless stream of spittle. It turned this way and that all while keeping its balance on the roof. And as its eyes were about to land on Mono, he quickly hid away behind the shelf and stayed there.

Eventually, the giant plumpy thing pulled itself back on the ceiling and let out a brief roar, shaking both of the little ones to their core. "VLASTED VANNIKIN!" it spoke with a voice both gravelly and hoarse. It crawled towards the mannequin and snatched it off its feet, then violently tossing it on the operating table. It bent down and brought the giant lamp above it and flipped a switch on the backside, making most of the lightbulbs flicker alight. Then began ripping it limb from limb. Mono snuck a peek and saw particles of wood and broken fingers flying everywhere, and with a small pop, he saw the mannequin's head inside the monster's palms, the rags around its face came slightly loose, revealing one empty eye socket and another with a glass eye. It twitched and bore right into Mono's soul. He froze in shock, his heart leaping to his throat, that thing's alive! It kept staring at him for a while before the monster went back up to the ceiling and took the head towards the cabinets on the walls. The monster placed the head back into the cabinet and produced a new one after a moment of scouring.

Mono looked back at Six, who was sitting there with her hands clasped against her mouth and said, "We can't stay here..." He whispered and snuck another peek at the creature, it was still going from one cabinet to the other, busying itself what God knows what. Mono extended his hand, "Come on, let's move while that thing's not looking." Six was reluctant, her hand reached for his but suddenly backed away, "Come on, it's now or never." he said and grabbed her hand, giving a nod of encouragement. He took another look just to make sure that thing was still rummaging with the cabinets, it was had a jar full of glass eyes in one hand now and was looking for a place to lay it down. Mono pushed Six back into the corner once the creature turned back towards the operating table, placing the jar of eyes and the new head beside the mannequin. Then it took a bone saw and a pair of scissors and went back towards the cabinets, "Now's our chance go!" Mono whispered and rushed out from behind the cabinet.

They tiptoed from to the far end of the room without stopping, making no sound at that too. But then somehow one footfall sounded a bit louder than the rest, and the creature made a small gasping sound. It looked back from the cabinets, sniffing, growling, drooling. Eyes floating all about the room and finding nothing. It lost interest and went back to work, cutting the pieces of bandages to seize and bringing them back on the table. It then grabbed the head and placed two mismatched eyes in the empty sockets, then went on wrapping the bandages around the mannequin's face. Little did the creature notice, that two had already snuck out of the room as it did so...

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