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As he opened his eyes, Mono saw nothing but electric current dancing through the air and zipping in between the tables and chairs. Farther on his left, glass spheres, cylinders and breakers fell from their shelves and smashed against the marble floor. It felt as if the entire room was quaking. Red, blue and grey flashed everywhere as the stack of TVs came tumbling over, and once they hit the floor, their screen exploded, and sparks flew outwards. Only one television was left standing, and its screen was switching between channels berserkly. It quaked violently with the room, letting out incomprehensible statics all the while. Finally, it stopped, and the screen now was pale as white fire. Then slowly but surely, a black dot appeared. Then the black dot became a tiny figure, and after that, it took the shape of a man, a small man with tattered clothes and a fedora hat. With each step the man in the TV took forward, the buzzing in the room became so unbearable to the point where the doctor started shrieking. It fell from the ceiling and landed on the floor with a loud thud, its entire body swishing and swaying as it lay there clutching its head with both arms, writhing and screaming in pain.

To Mono's right, Six laid there curled into a tiny ball with her hands pressing against her ears. Her voice was near loud enough to drown out all the sounds in the room. Mono stood up on both legs, looking around in confusion. Why was everyone acting so strangely? Mono thought. This was nowhere near the intensity of the buzzing he hears every day. "VHAT HAVE YOU DONE!? MAKE IT STOP!" The doctor cried out.

"MONO! MONO!" Six called out from beside him. Her hair fell all over her face, but Mono could see her features twisted in agony.

Mono rushed to her side and knelt beside her, wrapping his arms around her back. He moved his head closer to hers and said, "Six! Listen to me! Focus on my voice. If you can hear me, sing! Just sing anything, or hum a tune! Just don't focus on the buzzing. It will pass, trust me!" Mono said, rubbing up and down her back, but Six just kept on whimpering in pain, "You're not listening! Sing a tune, now!" and after that, Six let out pained humming through her gritted teeth, "That's it, keep doing just that." Amidst all the chaos, Mono spared a glance at the room and gasped once he found palms against the TV screen from the other side. Suddenly a staticky hand stretched out of the TV and grabbed ahold of the wooden frame as another hand emerged from the screen. Before long, a head popped out, then the entire body grotesquely squeezed itself from the small screen and slithered across the floor. One second it was laying there, and the next it was standing up straight, so tall that its head was inches away from grazing the roof. It stretched its long slender arms this way and that and lolled its head backwards, inhaling deeply then exhaling in a staticky voice.

Its gaze ran across the room. It saw the doctor writhing on the floor, paid it no mind and kept on going until its glowing eyes landed on Mono. He made a small gasp in his throat and drew back. He couldn't see the face beneath that hat as it was shrouded, only those ghastly glowing eyes. Calm down, calm down. You brought that thing here. Maybe, it's friendly. Mono sprang to his feet and cried out, "HELP US! HELP!" waving his arms around in a panic, "THAT THING IS AFTER US!" He added, pointing at the Doctor.

As the tall man's gaze left Mono and landed on the Doctor, it froze, ceasing its thrashing and screaming. It looked at the tall man with wide and fearful eyes. Drool fell from its lips as it cowered back to the double doors, "NO! NO!" it screamed.

"You've done enough doctor." The tall man spoke. Without warning, it waved its arm violently, the Doctor went flying, exploding against the wall. Leaving nought behind but one giant stain of blood. Mono's eyes went wide with fear. His foot hooked onto something and he fell back, landing on his rear. The scene burrowed in his mind, the doctor just- disappeared! If not reduced to tiny atoms. It died before it could even utter a cry.

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