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Howdy! How was your week so far? I spent most of it grinding on one of those GIT GUD games. After a thousand death, I finally got the hint, gotta cool off. But I don't really know what to do with that controller stuck in wall of my room... guess it has to stay there for a while...



"So..." Mono said as he peered into the total blackness of the gully below them. It didn't seem like the fall had an end to it. To his left, the wooden rope bridge linking both edges of the chasm was in ruins. To his right, the fissure in the earth just stretched as far as his eyes could see, there was nothing more but fields of tallgrass which he dared not treat any closer to them, fearing that more beartraps lying in wait to snap at their prey, he warned Six as much. So once more, Mono found himself out of ideas, "See any way to get across?" he asked Six.

Six's bare feet were shuffling against the grass, all stained with yellow puss and patched with bruises. They had been walking for what felt like hours, Six might have been hiding her exhaustion before, but now it became too clear. Her face was still hidden behind that black curtain of hair, but Mono could tell that she had dark circles around her sockets. As he looked back at her, Six just shrugged, just as clueless as he was.

"Right then, time to use our heads." Mono looked around more carefully scratching his paper bag, last time he climbed a tree and leaped to the other side, he was fortunate enough to make it back then. But now there was no tree in sight, nor was there something he could use as a bridge to cross over.

He jumped as he heard a sudden clattering of a wooden mechanism. He glanced to his left only to see Six pulling and turning on a crank beside the collapsed bridge. Mono tilted his head as he observed her. With a few more turns, a wooden platform started rising from beneath, but it only extended so far for one of them to leap across.

Six made a breathing sound as she beckoned to Mono. He quickly made it towards her and held the crank firmly in his grip, keeping the platform still in place.

"Are you sure about this?" Mono asked, hesitantly. Six only nodded, not saying a word. And Mono often wondered why. She's not mute, the only words he got from her so far were 'one word, and I'll hit you again...' Did he really have to get her angry again for her to speak? that might not be the point, you idiot! Should he ask her about it though? He decided against that one too, whatever the reason was he didn't want to make her remember something awful.

Six trod carefully on the wooden platform, Mono could feel her weight pressing against the crank, "Anytime you're ready!" Mono cried out. Six drew back and went into a full sprint, as her feet drew closer to the edge she made the leap, launching herself from one side to the other. Mono felt his heart sink in his chest, please make it, please make it!

Six landed roughly on the other side, tripping and falling on her back. Mono exhaled, and let go of the crank, allowing the wooden platform to fall back down. well, now what? How was he going to get across?

Six jumped to her feet and dusted herself off, she slowly knelt by the edge of the wooden bridge, rolled up the sleeves of her blue sweater, and extended her hand for him. Mono froze, vertigo suddenly striking him hard, his heart was drumming in his ears, and a moment later he began to quiver. "I- uhh... you're gonna catch me?" Mono muttered through shaky lips. I can't do this... Oh boy, I can't do this... one misstep and- and-

"Don't think... jump." that same soothing voice came from the other side of the chasm. Mono's eyes widened, she spoke again! As if her words had a strange enchantment on him, Mono felt the veil of fear lifting off his body, he inhaled sharply and exhaled. Then took a few steps back and bolted towards the edge.

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