Opening Doors 🚪

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- Flashbacks Opening Of Doors -

"Who is she? Why does she seem familiar?"

'You should remember her Kuro. At one point she meant everything to you.'

"What do you mean she meant everything to me? I don't even remember her?"

'Do you want to break down some doors? It'll be fun.'

"I don't need to break them down, they're my doors. How bothersome..."

'No, fun...'

Look around, so many doors. I sigh, this going to be bothersome.

'Which one do we knock down first?'

"We're not, make too much mess to clean. Mahiru not here."

'Mahiru help you with the last one, why don't you ask him for help. The doors will come down twice as quick.'

I grab the little demon cat, "I'm not breaking any doors." I threw him away.


I walk around picked one. Turn to open it, it won't budge. "Open it..."

'I can't do that.'

"Why not?"

'Only you can open the doors. I can only provide the weapons.'

"I told I'm not breaking any, do you want me to throw you again." He hides behind one of the doors. "How troublesome." I try again, it won't budge.

'Maybe you're not ready to open that door yet? Maybe try another one?'

I glare at him, he struggles. Walk to the next one, take hold of the handle.

'Are you going to open it?'

Push the handle down, it opens. Walk-in blinded by a white.

"Uncle look it's a kitty!" A little girl runs past me. It's (Y/N) when she was a child. "Uncle look he's all by himself. Can we take him home please? ~"

"If we must," Francis walks up to her. Pats the cat, that's me she's holding. "What are you going to name him?"

"Hmmm... Dark! Cause he's like the night ~"

"Dark it is then."

I moved to a bedroom, looks like her's. "Here you go Dark ~ A nice blue-collar and it has a bell too ~"

It's like the one Mahiru gave me.

"Don't worry Dark, I'll take good care of you ~"

I'm back at the door with my hand on the handle.

'How was it? Did see how you met Kitten?'

"Why did you call her kitten?"

'You still don't remember, do you? Maybe try another door?'

"Kuro? wake up its time to go."

'Are you going to tell Mahiru about Kitten?'


"Come on Kuro it's time to leave."

Vampire Hunter - Sleepy Ash/Kuro x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now