Hanging Out? 👬👫👬

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Now been living in the Alicein mansion for a week, have to say it isn't too bad. If we go out anywhere I pretty much follow Misono and Lily around. If we're at the mansion I help the other maids out. And whatever Misono and Lily want.

I have the day off. I'm taking the time to fix up my weapons and better fix my maid's clothes.

"I'll place hidden blades in my shoes. I can't wear too heavy of weapons, throwing knives strap to my thigh. What about garrotte wire? I could do wrist bands?"

I felt a staticky feeling, but stronger than Lily's. Must be Mahiru and Kuro, "hey Simple, Kitty. If you're looking for Young Master and Master Lily they're not here." I wave with my back to them.

"Hey (Y/N), no we came looking for you?" Came over and sat down, Kuro jumps off and curls up on the floor. He really is like a cat.

"Who do you need to be taken out?" I go back to fix my shoe.

"N-no one, it's just..." I stop and look at him.

"Mahiru wants to know if you want to hang out tonight?" Kuro turns into his human form. Starts playing with my tools, I swat his hand away.

"Don't touch unless you want to lose a finger." I fix my tools back up. "Why do you want to hang out with me? It's not like I'll be much fun or anything." I test pressure for the hidden blade realise.

"Everyone wants you to hang out tonight, not just us."

I scoff at the idea 'everyone' wants me to hang out. "You're sweet Simple but I doubt everyone wants too. Plus I have to fix my clothes."

"Maybe I can help, so you can come."

"You can wire a retractable bracelet, and refurbish it to look like a filly maid bracelet?" I raise an eyebrow at him.


I pat his head, "it's fine Simple go have fun. Just call if you guys are in a fight, I'll be there in 5."

I swatted Kuro's hand away again. "Stop touching! You're so bothersome!" He won't stop touching my tools. "Seriously Kitty cut in out before I cut you!"

"He's not going to stop till you come." A smirk appears on Mahiru's face.

For a pair of Sloth, they actually did something. Well Mahiru did, Kuro was just being annoying touching my stuff when I have it neatly arranged. "FINE! I'll come but I'm finishing my other shoe off first. And I'll have to wash up and get change."

"Good, I'll go let everyone know." Mahiru went to leave the room.

I shook my head and return back to fix my shoes. I didn't see Kuro anywhere, next thing I feel little paws on my leg. "Really Kitty?"

All I got was a blank look and he went to sleep. "Whatever," I laugh and went back to my work.


"Finally done! Pressure button was a fucking pain! Never putting hidden blades in these type of shit again."

I was about to get up and realise Kuro still sitting on me. But he's still asleep, "fuck..."

Guess I'll move him on to the bed so he can sleep. Then I can get changed, wash up a bit. I slowly picked Kuro up, place him in the middle of the bed. Went to get ready.

- Kuro -

I watch (Y/N) do her shoes, she cut herself a few time but nothing too bad. I head she was done, she must have thought I was asleep. She carefully puts me on the bed, funny enough it smells just like her. She smells like bubblegum.

She walks out of the bathroom in just her (F/C) bra and matching panties. Did she forgot I'm still in here! I could hear her giggling. "What's wrong Kitty? All these years and you've never seen a girl in her underwear?" She pokes out her tongue.

"Just get dress already. I can't face you..." Turn away from her, as I turn I notice she has scars all over her body. Especially one in the middle of her chest.

I feel the weight in the bed shift, "oh Kitty ~" She started patting my head. "Did I make you feel uncomfortable? ~"

"Uncomfortable? Why can't you just get dressed already? You're so troublesome..." She continues giggling.

"Fine I'll get dress, Kitty you're no fun." I weight shifted again.


"Okay Kitty I'm dress, you can stop hiding now."

Good, as I turn around she looks different? She looks confused. "What are you staring at?" She asked.

"You're such a pain... I could die..."

"And you're bothersome! Come on everyone probably wondering where we are."

"I'm not the one who took forever getting ready."

"I'm not the one who kept messing with other people's stuff!"

She picks me up takes me downstairs. Everyone there waiting. "What took you so long?" Bastard-chan asked.

"Oh Kuro wanted a show so I gave him one ~" She winked

I return human form, "I did not!" Look over to Mahiru he looks modified. "I did not ask for a show."

"Than why were you staring at me when I only had bra and panties on? Hmm." She places a finger under my chin getting really close.

I swat her hand away, "I wasn't staring. You're the one walking around your room naked."

"Yes, my room because it's mine."

"Don't think you it's time we get going?"

"Yes let's get going." Bastard-chan leads the way to door.

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