Prizes To Be Won 🎟🎯🎖

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They decided to go to the festival. I kept to the back of the group, I really didn't want to be here. I don't know why I agree to come. It's not like they really wanted to hang out with me.

I wonder if I disgusted Kuro? He's probably seen a lot of women, probably with no scars. Wait! What the fuck am I thinking? I don't give a fuck what he thinks! I have Blondie and he seems like my body. Actually, I might go see him later, that's if I can getaway.

"Hey (Y/N), did you want cotton candy?" Mahiru held up some on a stick.

"No thanks it gives me headaches." I eyed the sweet fluffy headaches.

"We can get you something else." Lily offered.

"No, I'm fine thanks."

"Okay then." Angel takes the cotton candy off of him.

We kept walking through the food section of the festival. See Kuro collected a shitload of food. My stomach rumbles seeing all that food. Even if I do eat, I'm still hungry afterwards.

"Here eat this." Kuro holds out a plate of food.

"No, I'm good." Look away, feeling my stomach rumble again.

"Just eat it." He shoves a fork of food in my mouth.

"Look earlier-."

Guess he's looking for an apology, "I was just messing around with the others. I'll tell them that I was kidding, and you were courteous to turn around and not look."

"No, it's not that." Please don't ask about the scars. I look down at the food.

"Is the reason you cover-up, is because of your scars?"

"I cover them up, so people won't stare, and ask questions. Why I wear stocking when I'm wearing a maid uniform. My arms aren't as scar up like the rest of my body." I look back at my food.

- Kuro -

I notice the others had left, I decided to ask her more questions. "Are they all from vampires?"

She played around with her food. "Surprisingly the scars I got from vampires are hardly noticeable. Most of I should say all of them are from vampire hunters."

I watched her closely, "my Father said I betrayed our creed. Cause I refuse to kill vampires. People shouldn't kill others, just because they're different."

Where have I heard that before? "So what you left?"

She gave my sideways glare, "no actually I'm not real. I'm just a figment of your imagination, and your friends are just entraining you."

I was completely shocked, I sigh "of course I left silly kitty. Why would I want to kill people for being different? If it means killing my Aunty Kate, I refuse to."

She finished off her food, "so we going to sit here and talk. Or we going to catch up with the others?"

"How did you get the one in the middle of your chest?"

She stayed silent and walk off, I grab her hand. "You're so bothersome, come on."

- (Y/N) -

Why did I tell Kuro that? I don't owe him anything. I feel weird, maybe I'm sick? That's probably it, I'm sick and I can't think straight. See I should have stayed home!

"There you are." Lily came over, with Misono in tow.

"And where have you two been? Kuro getting another show ~" Seek raised an eyebrow.

"Umm, Kuro why are you holding (Y/N)'s hand?" Mahiru asks.

"Kuro holding my hand?" Look down, oh gawd when did he start holding my hand! Look back up to Kuro, is he blushing? He immediately let's go, sticks hands in his pockets.

"Anyway, we're off to go play some games. If you guys want to come?"

"Yeah sure..." I look the other way.


"Wow, I can't believe you won all these prizes!" Saw Kid - Hugh- on College's shoulders - Tetsu - I could see him eyeing off the bat plushie. I had a wagon full of prizes.

"While travelling I happen to go to quite a few festivals. When I win prizes I give them out."

I threw the bat to Kid and a bulldog with a dark blue shirt on for College.

"What are theses for?" Kid asks as he tries to hide the sparkle in his eyes. College really didn't show any interest.

"If you don't want them, give them back and I'll find someone else." They both held tight on to them.

"I thought so, Angel, Seek." Threw a halo headband, for the Angel. Surprisingly a hedgehog that was almost like Seek.

Angel put his halo on, and strike a pose with Seek dancing around him with his plushie.

"And for the Masters." A butterfly but with the reverse colours of Lily for Lily. And a Queen chess piece plushie.

Misono look at me puzzled, "what's the Queen piece do? Protects the King! You're Queen and the King the ones you care about. I thought you would have known that. Bloody male!"

Now look for something, Mahiru likes things simple. A teddy bear with an orange shirt? And Kuro a black cat. I handed them their plushies. They all stop and look at me.


"Thank you (Y/N), you didn't have to give us your prizes," Misono said he tried not to smile like a child.

Really it was getting annoy. I go through trouble thinking about what to win for them. All I get is you didn't have too. "I was trying to be nice. And thank you guys for asking me to come out with you!"

I walked away to find some kids to give the rest too. I can't take them back, I don't have enough for all the kids. Best finding something they can all share.

- Kuro -

I look at the black cat plushie (Y/N) gave me. No one gave me anything beside Mahiru. It has a blue-collar, why does it feel familiar.

"Does anyone else feel bad?" Hugh looks around to everyone.

"I don't, it was obvious that the halo belongs to go to me. I am an Angel! Anyway, she's fallen."

"Pardon?" Bastard-chan

"You all saw how she almost fell to her knees. But was able to get back up, she hasn't quite fallen to being a demon. But she's not quite an angel like me." I forgot about that, how bothersome.

"So she's half-vampire?" Mahiru asks.

"I didn't think you could get a half-vampire." Hot Spring Man commented.

"You can't get a half-vampire, it's impossible. There are Servamps and Subclasses, that's it." Hugh answered him.

I look over to Lily deep in thought, he knows something. How annoying...

Vampire Hunter - Sleepy Ash/Kuro x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now