You Find Out 😠🐱

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Now been a month living at the mansion. You started to loosen up a bit, felt more relaxed. You now had a routine, of helping the children get up in the morning. Making sure Lily, Misono and his father got their breakfast on time. Housework was done by the end of each day. You companied Misono and Lily when they left the mansion. Most times it was to hang out with guys, it was either your maid uniform or normal clothes.

Each time you went out, Kuro would keep his distance from you. This only made you insecurity worse. That maybe you made the wrong chose, that day in your room. A day you felt confident in your body, now made you feel disgusting. Only made you want to cover up more. Which it wasn't too bad, now getting colder. In a few months time, it'll be Christmas.

You decided it was probably best to keep your distance as well. You didn't want to upset him any further. You were deep in thought, didn't realise Mahiru was talking to you.

"(Y/N) is everything okay?" Heard concern in his voice.

"Yes, why you ask?"

"It's probably nothing, but I've noticed you and Kuro haven't spoken much lately."

You stayed quiet, there really wasn't anything you could say. "If this about you two liking each other, one of you have to say something."

"Kuro doesn't like me, so I don't see how that affect us not talking." You could feel tears well in your eyes, but still nothing.

"(Y/N) he does like you, he's just..."

"Just what disgusted in my scars." You looked away, holding on to your apron.

"That's not what I was going to say. He just doesn't know how to tell you. And he's trying to remember."

You stop walking, "remember what?"

"Well whether he was saved you or not as a child." You were thrown back, you didn't tell anyone but Lily.

"LILY!!" Everyone stop in their tracks.

"Little Maid there's no need to shout, I'm right here."

"Don't you Little Maid me! Did you tell them about what I said the day you came into my room?"

You could see that he was shaking, "what day would that be?"

"The day I told you how I died! I told you that in complete confidentiality! I didn't think you would tell anyone!" Pain lace your voice, you felt betrayed. You didn't like telling anyone, the one person you did tell betrayed your trust.

"He didn't tell us anything, it was you that told us. Lily was wearing a wire." Misono stated proudly.

"You all know?" They all nodded. "I trusted you, Lily, I trusted you cause Aunty Kate did."

Now explains why Kuro was staying away from you. He heard everything, you turn away and runoff.

"Why did you have to open your mouth for Mahiru?" Misono asked.

"Kuro and (Y/N) haven't spoken lately, I had to see what was wrong."

"You should have left it to them!" Misono argues back.

Lily felt horrible, you had trusted him. Who knows how long it'll take to gain your trust back. Licht, Hyde, Tetsu and Hugh ended up leaving. Thought it'll be best to leave it, to the Eves and Servamps involve in the mess.

Meanwhile, you had run so far, you ended up in the middle of the park. There you hid in the trees, feeling the urge to cry but nothing came.

"Fuck them, fuck all them! I'm leaving this fucking place! I knew of shouldn't have stayed here. Why didn't I see it?"

'Don't be mad Kitten, you shouldn't make decisions when you're mad. Isn't that what Aunty Kate said?'

"Blackie, Lily betray my trust."

'You were a Vampire Hunter. What do you except? To trust you with little information?'

"Guess you're partly right."

'Only partly?'

"I didn't actually hunter vampires. But what about Kuro?"

'What about Sleepy Ash? Kuro?'

"So Sleepy Ash did save me."

'Why yes, he did. You said you wanted to live. That's why he saved you.'

"But how? And how do you know? Why haven't you ever told me?"

'You are so stupid I could die! I am Sleepy Ash inner self. Whatever Sleepy Ash knows I know. Or past Sleepy Ash knows.
You had a blood transfusion. If you drank his blood, you would be a Subclass. But Uncle and Aunty knew you'll be killed. They decide on blood transfusions! If you died, well you died.
Why didn't I tell you? You never asked.'

"Than why doesn't Kuro remember? And why don't I remember what he looks like?"

'I trap your memories so if you saw him. You wouldn't be caught out. Do you want to unlock them? You can use a weapon!'

"Not right now Blackie. But why doesn't he remember?"

'Oh that. That's because as a child he cared for you deeply. Seeing you sacrifice yourself for him, broke what little heart he had left. He locks away his memories and feelings deep away.
Can we go open some doors now?'

"Haha, you are a destructive little kitty aren't you. Maybe later, I think I'll go back home. Now that I've had time to think."

'Kitten is no fun, no fun at all! I think it's enough, you talking to yourself. People will think you are crazy!'

With that, you hop up made your way back out of the park. "You think so? By the way, why do you call me Kitten?"

'Kitten doesn't remember much. Sleepy Ash called you Kitten cause you wore black cat ears. Like Sleepy Ash when he was a cat. Back then you called him, me, us Dark. Dark like the night'

"Wait I remember that, I gave Dark a blue collar with a bell on it."

'Ting ting Kitten right!'

Rest of the way home was quiet, well on your end it was. Black Cat wouldn't stop talking, but he did bring back a few memories. Reach the door decided you'll deal with the problem tomorrow. Right now you just wanted to sleep.

Or so you thought...

Vampire Hunter - Sleepy Ash/Kuro x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now