Say Something! 🗣

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"Hey Simple! Is around Ash?" I burst through his front door.

"Hey (Y/N) he's in the room. Were you able to get the stuff?"

"Yep right here." I held up an orange bag, full of birthday stuff for tomorrow night.

"Thanks," he took the bag unload and hide before Ash came out.

"Your welcome," I went down the hall to the room we shared. As I open the door he was laying down playing his PSP.

"Hey Ash!~" I drop my stuff near the door, jump on top of him.

"So troublesome..." he continued to play his game.

"Ashy ~" I straddle him, grinning on him. I felt him shiver under me.

"Kitten..." Groans.

I lay on top of him popping my head between him and his game. "What's wrong Ashy I thought you wanted me all to yourself ~"

He turns into a cat walks out from underneath me. Back into his human form, sits on the ground.

I'm left shock, sit back. "Ash, did I do something wrong? Did I upset you somehow?"

He didn't reply, continue playing his game. "Okay, I'll let you be..." I left the room, close the door.

I walk down the hall, sitting at the dining table. Mahiru was cooking dinner, he looks from the pot. "What's wrong (Y/N)?"

"I think I upset Ash..."

"What do you mean?"

"I went in said hello, jump on him. He said his normal thing 'so troublesome'. I thought all was fine, sat on him called me 'Kitten'. Said 'thought you wanted me all to yourself'. I didn't get a reply, so I stuck my head between him and his game. Turn into a cat got out underneath me, and went back to playing his game. I ask what I did, and he didn't say anything. Left and closed the door."


"What do you mean huh?"

"Kuro been fine all day. Till it got closer to when you were coming over."

"So I come over here whenever I can. Why's today any different?"

He put the lid on the pot, walked over to the table and sat down. "Lily told me about Kuro. And... His mating season."

"Wait Ash has a mating season?"

"Well yeah he is part animal, his season falls around his birthday..."

Oh, that explains the rough sex the other day. "I guess he reaches his limit."

"Reach his what?" Mahiru asks I must have thought out loud.

"Oh, Ash and I had sex the other day. Still doesn't explain why he's acting like this."

"W-wait you had sex... With Kuro?!"

"Well yeah, what's wrong with that?"

"You knew him as a kid, isn't that weird?"

"No why would it? He's a vampire, doesn't matter how old I am. I'm still going to be younger than him no matter what. I love Ash, and I want to be with him."

'Kitten right, Sleepy Ash will always be older.
What if Kitten was bad at mating, and Sleepy Ash doesn't want to say anything?'

"I never thought about that"

"Thought about what?"

Vampire Hunter - Sleepy Ash/Kuro x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now