A Storm Coming 🌩

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"How long are we going to be here?" I look over top Black Kitten.

"How am I supposed to know?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because you're the one that's in my head! I thought you would know!!"

"I told you I don't know!"

"We can't just lay around doing nothing."

"What are we going to do?" I stand up and look around. "You know there's nowhere to go, right?"

"I don't want to sit around doing nothing." I start walking in a random direction.

"Hey! Wait up!"

"Run, I'm not stopping."

"(Y/N), you're soo mean ~" She whiner, not even Black Cat whine...

She catches up, changes sits on my shoulder. "You can walk, I'll be lookout ~"

"Geez, thanks..." Using me as she wishes...

- Third -

Mikuni and Jeje arrived at Alicen's Mansion. Lily and Hugo caught them up to speed.

"Hmm... I thought they would have gotten here earlier. (Y/N) is good at covering her tracks. We best move, there's no use sitting here. By the way where is (Y/N)?"

"Kuro force (Y/N) to drink his blood. Now she's in a state like coma." Misono bluntly said.

"Pardon?" He looks over to Kuro.

"She'll be alright, she'll wake up." Lily tried to assure him.

"Hmmm... I'm going to check on her after this." He left first, with Jeje behind him.

"(Y/N) will be okay Kuro, don't worry." Mahiru pats his shoulder, "let's get going."

Kuro follows him with the others behind him.


They get to the place they hope to intercept them. That was outside of town. "Is Licht and Hyde going to get here in time?" Mahiru asks looking over to Misono.

"I don't know..." Misono looks around for any signs of them.

It was eerily quiet, the sky was covered in black clouds. Kuro looks around he couldn't see anything.


An arrow comes from the horizon, lands at Kuro's feet.

Kuro looks at the horizon, he sees a man lowering his crossbow. The man glares at him, Kuro recognises him. He was your father, he wanted to kill Kuro. A storm of arrows covered the sky. Tetsu runs out in front of everyone, opens up the coffin. It sucks into the arrows.

"Quick thinking Tetsu," Hugo lands on top of the coffin.

He nods, looks back at the others. "Are yous alright?"

"We're fine Tetsu." Mahiru looks at Kuro "Kuro?"

"It's (Y/N)'s, father..."

Lily looks over at him, knowing he was responsible for Kate's death. "Lily..." Misono get's his attention. "Don't let your emotions control you." Lily nods, trying to control his emotions.

On the other hand, Kuro wasn't. He was was worried that something would happen to you. He couldn't be there to protect you. Your father was attacking going to kill everyone involved with vampires. Kill you, for refusal to kill a vampire, being with a vampire. And a vampire.

Mahiru grabs his shoulder, "Kuro you need to be in control of your emotions."

Kuro looks back at him, nods without saying a word.

Vampire Hunter - Sleepy Ash/Kuro x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now