Vampire Hunter > Maid 🔪🧛🏼‍♀️👩🏼‍💼

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"Guys I'm back," I called out to anyone.

No reply guess everyone busy or asleep. I go up to Blondie's room, I get half away up the stairs the door opens.

"Sorry, the shop closed." A blue hair guy walks in.

"Oh, Dodo how nice to see you." See Blondie on the second floor. If he knows him I'm going to bed, I head to Blondie's room.

"You too Mikuni. Excuse me (Y/N) Snow Lily has asked you to come to the mansion."

"Snow Lily?" Who's Snow Lily?

"Haha, All of Love he means." Blondie laughs. As if I know, I only know what Aunty Kate called him.

"And why does he want me to come over? Doesn't he realise what time it is?" I know he's a vampire and all, but I don't want to deal with this right now.

"He didn't say he said to come to pick you up from here. And to bring your bags."

"What he wants me to move in or something?" Really how stupid can he be to invite a Vampire Hunter? Ok, Blondie an exception he's a weirdo.

"Yes, he does."

"You just said he didn't say!" He had already walkout. "Bloody male!" I storm into the room and go to slam the door. Till I realise Marksman probably still doing his bottles. Best not to disturb him.

Blondie follows me, "what do you want?"

"This is my room, I'm not allowed to come into my own room now."

"Unless you're going to take off your clothes than yes you're allow." I throw my arms around his neck. Hoping to change the subject and forget about Dewdew or whatever his name is.

"Don't think I know what you're doing. Look (Y/N) -"

I cut him off walk away, "I'm not going, Mikuni. You know I don't like staying in one place for too long. Beside Misono doesn't trust me, so why should I go?"

"Give Misono some time, you know what he's been through. Maybe this has something to do with what was in that letter your Aunty wrote."

"Most probably..." I turn back around, he comes over places his hands on my arms.

"If you're not going to do this for your Aunty. Do it for me and watch over Misono. Lily still regaining his strength and djinn." Oh, gawd he can be so sexy when he's caring.

"Fine... Just know I'm doing it for Aunty Kate first than you. I don't even get sex tonight, how rude." I try to guilt-trip him.

"What this morning wasn't enough?" I pick up my backpack, head to Marksman say goodbye.

"Nope, it's never enough for me. See ya!" I wave him goodbye.

I slowly open the door to Marksman's making sure not disturb him too much. "(Y/N) you're leaving."

"Yes going to the Alicein Mansion."

"I heard." He's still working on his bottle.

"Not much gets by you. I'll see ya around."

"Bye, thank you."

"Your welcome."

I made my way downstairs, knowing Doc doesn't care and left.


"Misono and Lily are in the dining hall." Dewdew opens the doors.

"Thanks, Dewdew." I walk in to hear him mumbling.

"(Y/N) you came." Lily smiling hands held together.

"Why are people surprise that I show up?" I put my hand on my hip. "So why was I ask to come?"

"Lily has asked that you live here in the mansion." Misono doesn't look to please by it.

"Obviously you've agreed to it. So what do I have to do?"

"You don't have to do anything." Look over to Lily who looks nervous.

"Nothing in this world is for free. Am I a maid or something?"


"You're a maid," Misono states blankly.

"Fine by me." Both look taken back. "What?!"

Misono composed himself, "nothing. Just know you'll be working under Lily."

"Okay, so I get to call Lily Master than. Here I was going to call you a Young Master." See Misono thinking.

"Lily is my Servamp so that makes you my maid as well. That makes me your master." I could see Lily trying not to laugh.

"Most certainly Young Master." I did a little curtsy.

"Okay, then how about I show you to your room." Lily

"Sure. Goodnight Young Master ~" I sang out to Misono.

Lily showed me to my room, just before he opened the door he stops. "I hope it's okay. This use to be Kate's old room. I understand if you don't want too."

"No, it's fine." He smiles open the door allow me to go in. He flicks the light on.

"This is exactly how she left it. Maids come in the dust, vacuum other than that nothing been move." The room was so neat much like the room she shared with Uncle Francis.

"It'll be nice to be close to her again. Thank you, Lily." Again I could feel my eyes start to water, still, nothing came.

"(Y/N) why did you come tonight? Accept to being a maid?"

I place my backpack near the bed. "The letter... I could take a guess that I was in it. She wanted me to be look after, and the only person she trusts is you. If it was Aunty Kate's last wish then I'll make sure it's fulfilled. I'm surprised that Misono was okay with it. Me being a Vampire Hunter and all."

I never did trust people, really only people I trust was my Uncle Francis, Aunty Kate and the man from my childhood. If only I could remember who or what he looks like.

"I see, you really loved her didn't you." He came closer place a hand on my shoulder causing me to jump.

"Of course I did, she was like a Mum to me. Both my parents were too busy hunting. All I had was Uncle Francis and Aunty Kate." They were happier times back than, everything was so simple.

"Well you don't have to worry, you're home now. People who will care for you, just give Misono some time."

"I'm sure calling him Young Master he'll warm-up. Isn't that right Young Master?" I saw a purple strand of hair duck out of the doorframe.

We both laugh, "I'll be up at 6 o'clock. Do I meet you in the dining hall?"

"Yes please take your time, no need to rush."

"Okay, goodnight Master ~"

"Goodnight Little Maid ~" He left the room, damnit that's not the reaction I wanted! I'll find another way to get to him.

Vampire Hunter - Sleepy Ash/Kuro x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now