Ageing 👩🏼‍🦳

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"Arrr..." I stretch out, try to stretch out. Ash has a hold of me.

"Stop moving..."

"Hehe, you do realise it's time to get up? Simple has school today."

"He can have a day off..." He pulls me in close, nuzzles into my neck.

"Hehe, Ash you have to get up. He needs to go to school."

"How bothersome..."

"Come on, time to get out of bed. Anyway, I have some shopping to do today."

He pecks his head out of my neck. "Will you make me some ramen?"

"Yes, I will. But you have to get out of bed."

"Fine..." He lets go of me, gets out of bed.

"Now was that do hard?"

"Yes, I could die..."

"I guess if you die, I'll have to be with Simple. Simple as that."

I hear him growling, arms wrap around me. "I told you, you are mine. Not even Mahiru can have you." He bites onto my neck, "mine!"

"Okay, okay, I was only kidding." He stops biting, "I know I'm yours. There's no need to get jealous."

"You're so troublesome..."

"I know I am," I turn to kiss him. "Now get change, so we can have breakfast."

He lets go, hops off the ed. I get change, not without someone watching me.


We walk to school, I was holding Ash in my arms. Apparently, people at school started asking about me. Asking Simple if I was his girlfriend. He said I was his cousin, ad I needed somewhere to stay. He said I could move, so now I'm his cousin. We get to school, Simple opens his bag.

"Okay, Kuro get in."

"Do I have to? Can I go with (Y/N)?"

"Kuro you know you can. Now get in the bag."

"How can you force a cute cat like me. Into that stuffy bag."


"I'm not going to make your ramen if you don't listen."

"Blackmailing a cute cat. Mahiru do you see this?"

"You won't get anything if you don't get in!"

"Fine..." He jumps into the bag. Simple quickly zips it up.

"Haha, is there anything else you need from the shops?"

"No, just what's on the list."

"Okay, well have fun at school cousin ~"

He laughs, "see ya (Y/N)." He walks off, Ash sticks his head out of the bag.

I blow him a kiss, he pops his head back into the bag. "Time for shopping."


"That's everyone on Simple's list, now for mine."

"Hello, there (Y/N). Haven't seen you for a while."

"Haha, hey Blondie, Marksman and the beautiful Abel."

"Did you hear that Abel? (Y/N) is so kind."

I'm just going to walk away...

I hear him catch up, "how the subclass kife treating you?"

"Lily told you?"

"Actually Lily told Jeje, Jeje told me."

Vampire Hunter - Sleepy Ash/Kuro x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now