Kuro's Subclass? 🐱👩🏼

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Later in the week, I was able to do my bracelets. I feel bit better now knowing I have a reach weapon at hand.

I can't stop thinking about Kuro, him asking me questions and holding my hand. I got a strange shiver up my spine. "I can't be falling for Kuro... I don't even know if I'll be staying here for long... It'll only end with me disappointing him."

"Who are you disappointing Little (Y/N)?" Joys of my new nickname Little Maid or Little (Y/N).

"Nobody..." I tuck my legs under myself.

He came in and closed the door. "(Y/N) you know you can trust me right?" He sat on the edge of the bed, reach his hand out to me.

"How do I know you won't go tell Misono or the others? For all, I know you could be trying to get information out of me. Like Kuro did the other week."

"Kuro was asking you questions?" Now he looks confused.

"Well yeah, asking about my scars and whatnot."

"I see, and what about your scars?"

"Didn't Kuro tell you all?"

"No he didn't, if he did he would have only told Mahiru. I doubt he would since he didn't tell him about the separation time limit." Even I knew it and I'm not an Eve.

"He really is Sloth."

He starting laughing, "that he is. Back to my original questions, who are you disappointing?"

"Nobody... You know you're bothersome." Only caused him to laugh.

"You're afraid of disappointing Kuro aren't you?"

"What? Why would I care about disappointment him." I look the other way.

"You know it's perfectly fine to have feelings for someone."

"Feelings! I don't have feelings for Kuro."

"It's fine (Y/N), you never know he probably has feelings for you too."

"Ha yeah right." I brought my knees up, wrap my arms around my leg and rested my head. "I'm covered in scars, why would anyone want to look at that every day."

"Don't you have a relationship with Mikuni?"

"We're fuck buddies, and he's seen the scars over time. Not straight-up bam scars! Anyone else I don't care what they think about me. But Kuro..." I'm so worried he'll find me disgusting.

"Trust me Kuro does not care about your scars. Well, maybe the one in the middle of your chest." I look at him wide-eyed.

"What do you mean the one on my chest?!"

"I notice it's rather large, and looks like it was quite deep. One that you should die from." Now he had a serious look in his eyes. I don't know whether to lie or tell the truth.

He is Aunty Kate's maker, she may have already told him. I guess I could tell him. "I was a child when my Aunty Kate and Uncle Francis' cafe-inn got attack by some men. Anyway, there was a customer that always came in. He was pinned down kneeling, as the man was about to hack him with a machete. I jump in front of it."

I show him the scar properly, "next thing I knew I was in his arms. Fading in and out of the darkness. I remember tasting my blood and choking. I was drowning in my own blood. And a faint voice, 'do you want to live?' I couldn't say anything, but nod. Then darkness..." I place a hand on my scar. "Next part trippy, I thought I was dead. Saw this black cat, he wasn't normal. He had red eyes, stitches across his mouth and base of his ears. A funny tail, he sorta looks like a plushie. When he spoke it was distorted. 'Hello Kitten, are you okay?'"

"Were you afraid? Of death?" Lily asked

"At first, but when Black Cat found me. I felt at peace, thought maybe being dead wasn't so bad after all. There wasn't anyone else around, at least I had Black Cat with me. I woke up about two weeks later. Found out the customer was a vampire, and he was the reason I'm alive."

'Hello Kitten, long time no talk'

"Kate did mention you died in the letter, but it was a Servamp that saved you."

"Do you know who?"

"No, she never mentioned a name. Just that he was a Servamp."

"Wait do you know?" I lean forward on my knees.

"No, but when I do I'll make sure to tell you."

"Oh okay then." He pats my head, made his way to the door.

"Oh and (Y/N), Kuro likes you." He left the room and closed the door.

I could feel my face heating up, grab a pillow and scream into it. Oh, my gawd!

'Aren't you happy that Sleepy Ash likes you? You could be together, forever'

- Third -

"Lily got the information we needed, and she didn't suspect a thing." Misono leans back in his chair.

"Don't you feel bad for tricking her though?" As guilt started to wash over Mahiru.

"We needed the information and we got it. We'll deal with the consequences later!" Hugh stood in front of him on the table.

Kuro was curled up on a chair, hiding his blushing face. One that Lily told you he had feelings for you. And two that you felt the same way. You thought he wouldn't like you because of your scars. Lastly the Black Cat. That was him, his inner self how on earth did part of himself end up in you? And why couldn't he remember any of this?

"Kuro? Kuro? Wake up you lazy cat." Mahiru shook him.

He turned to his human form, with his hoody covering his face. "You're bothersome I could die..."

Lily cough to gain everyone attention. "Kuro?"

"What?" He mumbles.

"Did you save (Y/N)'s life when she was a child?"

He tried to remember, he couldn't come up with anything. "I don't know, maybe..."

"Either you did or you didn't," Hyde commented, he too wanted to know what was going on with you.

"If he did, it explains why she's part demon." Licht piped up.

"Well, you did say she looks familiar."

"I said there was something about her." He got annoyed at how many times he had to repeat himself.

"He had too, she pretty much describes the Black Cat down to a T. We saw it the day he and Mahiru lost control. Since she was a child, it wouldn't appear in that type of state." Misono shouted, to him the answer was obvious.

"You know Kuro, Misono is right. She did describe him perfectly." Mahiru added on.

"Than why don't I remember?"

Vampire Hunter - Sleepy Ash/Kuro x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now