Happy Birthday 🎂🍆

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I woke the next morning, saw Kitten still sleeping. Gawd I'll love to wake her up with sex, have my way again. I can't keep doing this to her, even if it is mating season.

"You're staring again Ash." She opens her eyes, looks up at me.


"Why are you up so early? Thought you would be sleeping in?" She snuggles in closer, I'm guessing she's starting to get cold. I just shrug, "since we're both up did you want anything, my Master, ~" Feel shiver go up my spine, I hold on to her tighter. Causing her to giggle, "what would you like master ~"

She crawls on top of me, she's still naked. She leaves soft kisses over my neck, I bite my lip trying not moan. Kisses begin to travel down my collar, down my stomach stop just above my hips. Her head now under the blankets I couldn't see what she was doing.

I feel her lick from base of my shaft to my nob. She twirled her tongue around it before taking it whole.

"F-fuck K-kit -" I'm cut short as she deep throated me. She feels amazing, I want to push her down further but the blankets are in the way.

I can already feel I'm about to cum with her deep throating me so much. I try and let her know, she only suck harder.

"F-FUCK~" I came in her mouth, from what I could feel she sucks me clean.

Feel her coming back up, "feel better Master ~?"

- (Y/N) -

I pop my head out from under the blankets, and Ash is a panting mess. I wasn't planning on doing it. I don't know something came over, and had to do it.

I lay on his chest, playing with a strand of his hair. "Why do you care about me?"

I stop prop myself on to my elbows. "Because I love you, and I always have. Even when I was a girl, why do you think I tried so hard to make you ramen?"

Dust of pink covers his cheeks, "I may not of known at the time. I had a big crush on you, why I tried so hard. And why I wanted to protect you." He looked away, he's still touchy about the subject.

I gently moved him to face me, "it's because I love Sleepy Ash. I'll do anything for you." I kiss him softly, he wrap his arms around me.

"Happy Birthday Ash."

"Thank you Kitten." We slowly drift off back to sleep.


Woke to sound of my phone beeping. I woke with Ash's arms still around me, we were laying on our sides. I reach out grab my phone.

Simple: Morning, I'm ducking out to get a few more things. I haven't set anything up yet, so Kuro can come out.

(Y): Morning, okay did you want some money?

Simple: No I'm good, thanks.

I waited for Simple to say something about last night.

Simple: Next time can you pair keep it down in there.

(Y): Sorry 😔

Simple: I know it's his mating season... Next door was complaining...

(Y): I tried to tell him, said you would hear... Wait next door?

Simple: Yeah next door came over and complained. I didn't hear a thing, I had my headphones in. It was simple, headphones in can't hear anything.

Vampire Hunter - Sleepy Ash/Kuro x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now