Waiting For You 🐱👩🏼

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As I open the door, I didn't get two steps in before Lily hug me crying.

"(Y/N) I'm so sorry for betraying your trust!" He was hugging me so tightly, I couldn't breathe.

I tried to talk, but nothing came out. "Lily she can't breath." I could see Mahiru scratching his cheek.

He let me go, I was able to breathe again. "I didn't think you were going to come home." Lily was still sobbing.

"People seem to think that I'll never come. I... I just needed some space to think."

"You're leaving?!" Lily started crying all over again.

"No, I'm not leaving. But no nicknames for a while. Next time ask I'll answer questions I feel comfortable with."

"That's what I said, asking is simple." Mahiru crosses his arms and nodded.

"I'm staying, can we talk about this tomorrow. It's late and I'm tired." Since it's past 10 o'clock Misono will be in bed.


I turn to Lily "what?"

"You'll see when you go to your room," Mahiru said as he and Lily said goodnight.


I open the door and kicked my shoes off. And place my bracelets on the bedside, along with my headband. "Didn't Mahiru say I'll see when I got here. Fuck it I'm having a shower, deal with when I get out. I can't face it alright now."


Wrap the towel around myself flop on the bed. "Can I go to sleep like this?"

"You are so troublesome..."

"What the fuck Kuro! What are you doing in here?!" I jump off the bed holding my towel.

"I was waiting for you..." He turns into his human form, rubbing back of his neck.

"What for?" I really don't want to deal with this right now. I just want to go to bed.

"Apology for not talking to you..."

"Can't we do this in the morning? I really can't face this right now."

"No!" He stood up and barracked me against the wall.

"K-Kuro, what are you doing?"

"I'm facing you head-on, and I'm not going to run away." I look out the window, only aggravated him. His thumb and finger turn my face towards him. "Don't look away from me. I want you to face me and not run away."

"Who said I was running away!"

"We both were."

"You were the one avoiding me! I was only giving you what you wanted!"

"I was trying to remember you, and what happened. Don't lie, you stayed away cause you thought your body was disgusting. You're wrong, every part of you is gorgeous."

I want to believe him, I do it's just.

'Sleepy Ash is telling the truth. Telling a lie would be too much effort'

I started laughing, "what are you laughing for?" Kuro tilted his head.

"Haha, what Black Cat said." He gave a look as if to say go on. "He said you're telling the truth lying would be too much effort."

"You really do see him?"

"Yes, I do, ever since I died."

He fell silent, I reach out to his cheek. "I don't blame you for me dying. But... But I thank you for giving me a second chance of life."

He turned away, "you're welcome..."

"Is there anything else?" I fixed my towel up.

He pulled his arms away. "Not really..."

"I'm going to get dressed." I wanted for him to leave, instead, he just stood there. "You going or at least turnaround?"


"No what?" I look at him, last time he didn't even want to look at me. Now he's had me pressed up against a wall. And won't leave or turn around.

"No I'm not leaving, I'm staying here."

"Excuse me?! You can leave this is my room!"

"I'm not leaving."

"Kuro get out!"

As soon as those words left my mouth, he pinned down to the bed. My hands above my head. Kuro hovering over me, red eyes staring straight through me. "Don't call me Kuro!"

- Kuro -

"W-what than?" (Y/N) studded, she looked amazing underneath me. I could hear her heart racing.

"Dark." Simply answered.

"You remember?"

"Some, right now I want you." Before she could say anything, I smashed my lips into hers. She didn't kiss back, as I was about to pull away. She manages to get her hands free, wraps them around my neck. I hold myself up with one hand, use the other to run circles on her hip. As I pull away a string of saliva connects us. "No more Mikuni, you're mine and only mine!"

She nods, "no more sex with Blondie."

"Good, put panties on. We can go to bed." I let her up.

"We?" Ask as she got up.

"You are so troublesome." She started giggling, she reaches for a blue tank top.

"I said panties that's it." I strip down to my shirt and boxers.

"But?" I pulled her into bed.

"I said panties, now go to sleep." I pulled her into my chest. Nuzzled my head into her neck.

"Goodnight Dark."

"Goodnight Kitten."

She laced her fingers with mine, not long I could hear soft snoring.

Vampire Hunter - Sleepy Ash/Kuro x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now