They're Coming... 😨

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"How's (Y/N)?" Mahiru comes in.

"She hasn't moved. Is Lily almost here?"

He looks at his phone, "they should have been here by now. I'll give them a call."

"(Y/N), I'm sorry. Will you forgive me?" Her hand is still cold.

"Poor poor kitten. What have you done to her?"

"Shut up! I don't have time for you."

"I can't get in contact with Lily or Misono."

Anytime other time, I think it was Brat-chan whining about something. I know Lily cares about (Y/N). I need Lily to find out what's wrong with (Y/N). "We need to go find them." I squeeze her hand, "I'll be back soon."

- Third -

Kuro and Mahiru fly off towards the Alicein's mansion. At Alicein's mansion, Hugo and Tetsu came over with bad, dangerous news. Going to check up on you, had slip Lily's and Misono's mind. One of Hugo's Subclass had returned, saying vampire hunters were heading their way.

Kuro and Mahiru got to the mansion, Dodo lets them in. He leads them to the others. Kuro walks in and sees papers and maps covering the table. Lily looks up seeing Kuro. With that, he remembers about you.

"Kuro, Mahiru I'm sorry for not calling you. We've had some bad news come up."

"Bad news? (Y/N) not waking up. I don't know if she will wake up." Kuro walks over to the table.

"If we don't fix the problem now. (Y/N) may not wake up." Misono looks through the papers.'

"What do you mean?" Mahiru walks over to have a look at the papers and maps.

"One of Hugo's Subclass saw vampire hunters heading this way." Lily answers.

"Sammy only just manage to escape. She just managed to escape we have trouble on our hands. She's my oldest subclass."

"Are they (Y/N)'s?" Kuro

"Yes, seems her father leading them." Lily looks through maps.

"Do we know why they're coming?" Mahiru looks at a map, there's a photo of you when you were a child at the cafe inn. "(Y/N) was cute when she was little."

Kuro comes over takes the photo out of his hand. "Where did you get this?" He looks over to Hugo.

"Sammy found it," Hugo didn't even bother to look at him.

Kuro looks at it, remembering how happy you were. How you always greeted him with a smile. Whether he was a cat or him. Now he had to relive whether you were going to wake up or not again.

"Look how cute she was. So sweet and innocent. Now, look at her, laying in bed. Not moving, or talking. It's like she -"


Everyone stops what they're doing, looks at him.

Lily got up, walks over to him. "How about we go for walk?"

"Lily! We have more important matters at hand!"

"Misono, we're just taking a short walk. Mahiru here now."

Misono grumbles goes back to planning. Lily walks out with Kuro, they walk around the halls.

"Kuro what exactly happens? Mahiru said he came in, (Y/N) was limb in your arms. With blood over her face."

Kuro pulls his hood over his face. "(Y/N) said she felt hungry... All the time..."

"She is a growing girl. I imagine you two are very strenuous ~"

"No, as in drink blood. I thought... If she drank my blood, it would stop her hungry... Now..."

"Hmmm... (Y/N) gone this long without the drinking blood. She could have gone without it for the rest of her."

"You don't know that. What if she... The C3 would have got involved..."

"The way yous brought (Y/N) back, she didn't need blood. She would have a life normal. Except for the thirst, Francis wouldn't have known that would happen."

"What do we do now?"

"All we can do is sit and wait till she wakes up. It may take some time though."

"You sure she'll wake up?" Kuro held on to some hope.

"Yes, but she may not be able to walk in the sun no more though."

Kuro looks away, feeling guilty for taking you away from the sunlight.

"It's best that we get back to the others. We can plan before they come. They will go after (Y/N) as well. She's no longer a hunter."

"Right," Kuro turns back around. Completely forgot that you were one of them. Were part of them, you never wanted to kill vampires.

They head back to the others, as they walk in. Everyone was in a panic, "what's happening?" Lily goes back to his chair.

"Hugo got a call, they're not far away," Tetsu answered.

"This is not good."

Kuro turns around about to run out head back to you. Mahiru grabs his arm, "let me go!"

"Kuro you can't go. We need to stop them before they get to the city."

"What about (Y/N)? What if they go straight for her?!"

"(Y/N) will be fine. I have Subclass watching over your apartment. They'll report back if something happens. We need to force on what happens now and what our next move is." Hugo stands on the table.

"I've already called Mikuni, he and Jeje are heading over now."

Misono turns his nose, Lily mentioning his name. He knew that they would need as many Servamps and Eves on their side.

Meanwhile, "this is getting boring... I enjoy sleeping as much as the next inner kitten. But this is boringggg..."

"I'm not happy about this either, you know." You sit up, she rolls off of you.

"Hey! I was laying there!"

"Excuse me, I'm not your pillow!"

"Oh right ~"

Vampire Hunter - Sleepy Ash/Kuro x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now