Vampire Hunter 🔪🧛🏼‍♀️

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Before me sat a bloody, beat up a vampire. Behind was my Father yelling. "You are a vampire hunter! NOW KILL IT!!" My Father's face turns red with angrier.

"I-I d-don't want to k-kill him, Father." My hands shake uncontrollably holding the sword to his chest.

"You will KILL it! And you'll kill it NOW!"

"No, I'm not going to kill him! He didn't do anything wrong!" I shake my head, as tears started to form.

"His mere existence is wrong! He shouldn't be alive, ha if you can even call it living!"

I refuse to kill him, he did nothing to me. He was minding his own business till my Father and the group attacked him. He didn't even try to fight back, he just wanted to getaway. I wasn't paying attention my Father pushes me, causing me to pierce his heart.

I drop the sword fell to my knees, "no no no." I started to panic, applied pressure to the stab wound. My Father tried to pull me off of him, "we have to help him! He's going to die!"

"He's supposed to die you, idiot!" He backhands me, I blackout.

Next thing I can hear blood-curdling screams, I slowly open my eyes. My vision comes back all I see is blood. It's everywhere, I see the lifeless bodies of my Father's group. My Father's body drop beside me, I look up to the vampire.

"A-are y-you going to k-kill me?" I can't look away, it's like I'm hypnotised.

All I get is a murderous laugh than silence. "Vampire hunters kill vampires, vampires kill vampire hunters. So what do you think sweetheart?"

I can't move, all I can do is a nod. "That's right, now die!"

He lunges forward, knocking me back down. He pulls my head to the side, sinks his fangs into my neck. I don't scream, I don't try to fight. I accept my fate and fade into the darkness.

I lunge forward waking up. "What the fuck?!" I lay back on the tree try and catch my breath.

"It's the same fucking dream each time." I look up to the sky, the sun starting to go down.

"I better get moving, don't want to be a sitting blood bag." I stand up and stretch, grab my backpack. Make my way into town find something to eat.


By the time I get to town, it's already dark. "I wonder what tonight has in store for me." I look around to try to find some food.

I get like a staticky feeling throughout my body. I quickly look around, I can't see anything out of the ordinary. This is Japan, and there was word of a vampire slasher last year. Let's hope he or she gone. As I look around my eyes land on two guys. One brown hair dress in a uniform. And the other blueish hair and a tarted blue trench coat.

"One of them must be a vampire." I shake the feeling off and walk in the opposite direction. I don't need to fight them, nor do I want too.

I walk around for about half an hour, finally find something to eat. I sat down at the table, started eating. Again got a staticky feeling, but more intense. Look up from my food see a black cat.

Swallow my food, "umm Hello Kitty. You lost?" Everyone else going on about their night. Look back at the cat and it's eating my chips.

"Hey hey, asked before you take." It looks at me blankly.

I sigh heavily, "hold up you silly Kitty." Break a few chips up, so it doesn't choke. All I need is the cat to choke, and the owners find their cat dead.

Can't shake the feeling off, there must be a vampire somewhere. Unless he's...

"Kuro don't go stealing people's food." Brought out of my thoughts, see the brown hair guy from before. But where's the other one?

"I'm sorry about him, here let me replace the chips he's eaten." He picks the cat up, goes for his wallet.

"Don't worry about it, he's just a cat." Try to smile and hope that they leave.

"He's my responsibility, so I'll buy you some more chips." Stand up to stop him from walking away.

"Really it's fine, he didn't eat much." Both the guy, cat look at my hand and back up to me.

"Sorry, he's just a cat. Cats will do what they want to do. Honestly, it's fine."

"Okay, if you say so." Good at least now he'll leave.

"My name Mahiru Shirota. And you've already met Kuro." He sits down across from me. Seriously I'm trying to eat here. The cat jumps back on the table and finishes the rest of the broken up chip.

"(Y/N)," go back to eating.

"It's nice to meet you." Smiles eyes closed.

"Likewise." Kuro finishes the chips looks at me for more. Don't give into kitty cat eyes, don't... Wait his eyes are red?

"Is your cat alright? His eyes are red." Mahiru rubs back of his neck nervously.

"There his natural eye colour, ha." I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Really your cat's eyes are naturally red?" So he's a vampire that turns into a cat. I wonder...


"Okay then."

"I haven't seen you around before. Did you just move here?" Why are you still here?

"No, I'm passing through."

"Must be lonely travelling by yourself?"

"Sometimes, but you get used to it." Look up to see Kuro had fallen asleep in the food wrappers.

"Does your cat fall asleep anywhere?" I ask while laughing.

"Pretty much, he's lazy." Kuro lifts his head stares at him.

"Well, you're in the shit, haha. Anyway, I'm leaving, see ya." I lift Kuro up, put the rubbish in the bin.

"Oh okay, see ya around."

"Not likely." I wave goodbye. Walk off in a random direction.

- Kuro -

I watch (Y/N) walk away, something about her that seems familiar.

"Kuro why did you run off like that?"

"Huh? Something about that girl."

"Really? Like what?"

"I don't know."

"We might see her again, you never know." Mahiru picks me walk-off home.

"What a pain..."

Vampire Hunter - Sleepy Ash/Kuro x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now