A Year Later 🗓

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"Kkkkuuurrroooooo..." I rock Kuro back. He groans, "wake up ~ It's time for breakfast ~~ Uhh..." He grabs me, pulls me down. "I told you I would be troublesome ~"

"You're being bothersome..."

"Same difference ~"

"Go to sleep..."

"It's time to wake, Mahiru has to go to school." He groans, "it's his last year of school. And the last day, get up."

"Five more minutes..." He pulls me in closer.

"You'll have five more minutes tomorrow. Up. Now."

He growls, sits up. "I hate school..."

I drape my arms around him. "I don't see why you're upset. All the girls feed you, pay attention to you ~"

He pulls me into his lap. "I only want you to feed me. I only want your attention."

I peck his lips, "breakfast."

He stands up, places me on the floor. "Have you got everything ready for tonight?"

"Yep ~ Uncle going to bring everything while you're at school."

"You have his favourite food and drinks."

"Haha, Kuro I have everything."

"You're calling me Kuro again..."

"Bothersome?" He nods, "Uncle says we should move on from the incident." I fix his coat up, "we can unlock more memories. Supposedly."

"I'm fine not knowing..."

"Of course you are, you're too lazy to find out."

Knock Knock

"(Y/N) are you awake?"

"Yes, we're awake. We'll be out in a second."

"Okay, I have to get to school early."

"I remember ~" I hear him walk away, "come let's go." I pull him out, we have breakfast together.


"You're going to be there?" Mahiru holds Kuro in his arms.

"Yes, I'm going to be there. I wouldn't miss your graduation. And Uncle will be there after Misono's."

"Right! Misono's is before mine."

I hold his shoulder, "relax Mahiru."

He breathes, "thanks (Y/N)."

I pat Kuro, "I'll see you both soon ~"

I wave goodbye to them. I text Uncle;

(Y): They've left, have you got all the stuff?

Uncle: Yep, Lily got a few more things.

(Y): Awesome! So Misono's graduation is later today?

Uncle: Yes, his is later today. We'll be able to go to Mahiru's then after go to Misono's.

(Y): That's great! I'm so excited ~

Uncle: Haha, I can imagine.

(Y): I'm just happy to celebrate it with them.

Uncle: I know you are. I'll see you soon.

(Y): See you soon.

I start setting the place up for the party. I put up streamers and balloons. And a congratulation sign to Mahiru and Misono. I hear a knock at the door.

Vampire Hunter - Sleepy Ash/Kuro x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now