Beddy Bye 😴

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Francis said she wouldn't have a thirst for blood. That she wouldn't need blood.

"Ash? ASH!"

Look down at her, "how long have you felt this?"

"The thirst? I don't know a while?"

I hold her shoulders, "how long?!"

"Uhhh...Maybe a year after the attack. I asked Uncle Francis he said I was probably having a growth spurt."

"Have you ever bitten anyone?"

"No, why would I? I never thought of drinking blood before."

"You can't bit anyone, understand!"

"Okay, I won't bit anyone. Even though I'm hungry, I haven't felt the craving to bit."

- (Y/N) -

Ash stands up, I fall out of his lap. "Ash, what's the matter?"

"Kuro what's wrong?" Simple comes out.

"It's (Y/N)!"

Mahiru looks over to me, "you look fine. What's the matter?"

"Well, uhh... I'm a Subclass..."

"I know, but you're not like the other Subclasses."

"She has the thirst for blood!!"

"No, she doesn't. (Y/N) tell Kuro you don't drink blood."

"I haven't drunk blood, but I am always thirsty. Which I thought I was just hungry, ha ha..."

I could see the cogs turning, "WHAT?! Why didn't you say anything before?!"

"I thought I was hungry! How was I supposed to know it was a thirst for blood! I didn't think I was a vampire!!"

Ash stops pacing around, stares at me. "You're not leaving my side."


"Make sure you don't drink anyone's blood."

"Kuro don't you think that's a little extreme?"

"No, if she drinks someone's she might kill them."

"Kuro..." He turns around and glares at me. "I can't be by your side all the time. Mahiru goes to school, I've never been to school... I'm not starting now. Anyway, how am I suppose to bite someone when I don't have fangs?" I point to my teeth.

"They just haven't come yet! Francis said this wouldn't happen!"

"Kuro no one could have predicted (Y/N) would have the thirst for blood. If she really wanted to bite someone she would of by now."

"Well ~ I have been wanting to bite Ash ~" If you know what I mean ~

"It's not funny (Y/N)." Ash glares at me.

"I thought it was..." I cross my arms, "I don't see why you're worried. Just relax, I'm not going to bite anyone." I pull on his arm, try to get him to sit. He doesn't budge, this is bothersome...

"Kuro (Y/N) right, you don't need to worry."

"If the craving gets worse you'll be the first to know."

He turns around looks at me. "Swear it!"

"I swear I'll tell Sleepy Ash of Soth, the moment my craving for blood gets worse. Except for when he is at school. Then Mahiru will be the first. As I'll text and/or call him. How's that? Happy?"

"No, I guess that'll do..."

"Now that's settle, I'm going to bed."

"Goodnight Simple."

"Goodnight," I hear his door close.

"Did you want to go to bed, or stay out here?"

"I can't sleep, I won't be able to play either."

I stand up, "well let's lay in bed then." I take his hand, walk to our room. I close the door, sit on the bed. He starts pacing again. "Come on Ash stop pacing and lay in bed with me."

He groans comes over. "Are you sure that you're eating enough?"

"Yes, I am... Stop worrying, please. You're scaring me with how much you're worrying and pacing back and forth. Please lay down with me."  I hop under the blankets he joins me, "thank you."


"Please stop, you're going to make yourself sick."

"I can't, what if you one day, you lose control. And you... C3 will get involved, they won't hesitate to kill you."

"Ash," rest my head against his. "Look I've been around blood, human's and vampire's. Really it doesn't do anything for me. If you're that worried, why don't I drink your blood? That way it's over and done with. He sits up, "what is it?" I sit up next to him?

"What if it makes you a whole Subclass? You can't go in the sun anymore, what if I bite you and you're gone?"

"Ash... You need to stop thinking. This isn't you to be thinking so much." He glares at me, "I'm a different Subclass. I doubt much is going to change for me when I drink blood."

"I've come to a decision."

"What's that?" His brain really did go into overdrive.

He bites his wrist, "drink my blood."

"Ash I was kidding. I'm not going to drink your blood."

"Why? My blood running through your veins. Drink!"

"I'm not going to drink your blood Ash." I lean over to get a wet one, he stops me. He pulls me into his lap, holds me tight. "Ash let me go! I don't want to drink your blood!"

"Uhh, it's closed already." He bites his wrist again, forces me to drink his blood.

I try to pull away, but he's too strong. His blood tastes weird, but it's not disgusting.

I hear the door open, "KURO!? What are you doing to (Y/N)?!"

"It's for her own good."

"Kuro stop it!"

My eyes feel so heavy all of sudden. Why can't I breathe properly? Is it because of the blood? No, I'm not choking from it. Am I? I'm so tired...

- Kuro -

"Kuro stop!"

"No, I have to do this for her own good."

"Kuro look! (Y/N) no longer awake!"

What?! I lay (Y/N) back, "(Y/N)? Wake up! (Y/N)?" Did I? No, I didn't. She's just sleeping, that's right she's sleeping. I lay her down, "(Y/N) wake up!"

"Kuro stop shaking her, she's not going to wake up! Kuro stop!"

"Why won't she wake up? What did I do?"

- Third -

Kuro falls to the floor pulled his hood over his head. Muttering to himself.

Mahiru takes a better look at you. He couldn't feel a purse, he held his hand near your mouth. He could feel you breathing very faintly. He looked you over, you started to look a little pale.

"(Y/N) she's not dead."

"What?!" Kuro crumbles to the bed.

"She's still breathing, but it's very faint. But she's pale though. Maybe she's turning to a proper Subclass?"

Kuro takes your hand, it started to turn cold. "This is my fault... I did this to her..."


"What do I do? Mahiru do I do?"

"I don't know. I'll give Lily a call, see if he knows anything." Mahiru knew Lily probably knew just as much as he did or less. It was worth a try.

Kuro kneeled on the floor holding your hand. "I'm sorry (Y/N)! I'm sorry, please wake up!"

- Black Kitten -

"Finally it's my turn! ~"

Vampire Hunter - Sleepy Ash/Kuro x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now