Yes Master ~ 🍋

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'You know he's lying to you. He doesn't really love you. Why would anyone love Kitten?  Kitten a merciless Vampire Killer!!'

"Shut it Black Cat!" I hiss back at him.

"What's wrong?" Ash's look up to me. He was so cute as a cat.

"It's nothing really, just Black Cat."

'Sleepy Ash doesn't care about Kitten'

"Shut up stupid cat!"

Felt Ash wiggle out of my coat, as he returns to his human form.

"You're so bothersome..." He pulled me into a hug.

"Black Cat are you listening?"

'Yes Sleepy Ash'

I nodded, "good. Stop saying things that aren't true. Otherwise, I'll come in there!"

'Whatever Sleepy Ash says'

"He's gone..."

"What did that Troublesome cat say?" He pulled back.

"He said whatever Sleepy Ash says."

"Mmm... Let's go home." He picks me bridal style.

"W-what are you doing Ash?!"

"We're taking too long. I'll carry you home." He jumps up to a nearby roof.

"I can walk you know." I pouted.

"Mahiru said to hurry up before dinner gets cold.

"Fine." I snuggle into his chest.


"Ahhh nice warm bed," I lay in bed getting comfy.

"Kitten?" Hummed say I was listening.

"What's in these bags?" He started poking around in them. I dive outta bed to stop him.

"Leave them! They're for tomorrow!" I grab the bags and place them on the floor next to the bed.

He came over to wrap his arms around me. "What's... In the... Bags... Kitten..." Gawd he sounds sexy.

"Your favourite snacks and drinks for tomorrow. I even got your favourite ramen. Blah! Still can't believe you like instant ramen more than my homemade ramen."

"I like you better..." Arr, fuck me right now!

"So you should! Are we going to bed or not?" I pulled out of his arms, got back in.

"So bothersome..." he climbs in next to me.

He started tugging at my clothes. "I'm not taking off my clothes Ash it's too cold."

"Take... Them... Off... Now..." Pulled me in closer, bite my ear.

"Ash, please... It's too cold..."

Vampire Hunter - Sleepy Ash/Kuro x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now