A Photo Of The Vampire Hunter 📷🔪🧛🏼‍♀️

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After your carnal pleasure with the blonde, you fell asleep naked. Mikuni laid there staring at you, he knew who you were. He notices you had more scars than the last time he saw you. The most noticeable one was in the middle of your chest. That look like a knife wound, had since you were a child. Not that you ever told anyone how you got it, you say couldn't remember exactly.

You being a light sleeper due to being attack so often, could feel Mikuni staring at you. "You want to go for round two?" Look up to him smirking.

He chuckled, "I want too but no. Notice you have more scars."

"That's what happens when people try to kill you. You get hurt, sometimes get scars." You stretch out, started to get a starkly feeling and heard a noise downstairs.

"I think you have customers, you better get dressed." You pulled the sheets over yourself, in case Jeje walked in.

"No ones he-" He was cut short knock on the door.

"Mikuni you in there?" It was Mahiru.

"Told you." You lay there watching him get up to get dressed.

"I'll be out in a minute." He replies back. "Don't come down naked." He puts his shirt on.

"I won't unless you give me either my panties you stole or my booty shorts that you also stole."

Mikuni now tossing up which one he should part with. He decided the booty shorts as they look better on you. He told you to turn around, wouldn't find his stash. Once he found them, place them on the bed left the room.

"He's such a perv, haha." You got dressed, cranked the door open enough to see who was downstairs.

You saw Mahiru and Kuro was sitting on his shoulder. "Wonder what they're doing here?" You stood listening in.

"What do I owe the pleasure of this visit? Did you come to see me or Abel?"

"Mikuni this is important, one of Hugh's Subclasses saw a Vampire Hunter last night."

"This is interesting." You paid closer attention.

"A vampire hunter you say, and what do they look like?" You knew they were talking about you. You waded whether to make an entrance or leave it to Mikuni.

Mahiru pulled a photo out of his pocket, handed to Mikuni. You couldn't see who was on it, you said fuck it left the room. You lean on the rail on the second floor, seeing it was a photo of you. Remember back when you walk past a few shops the night before. You got a starkly feeling, but you brushed it off.

"I see, she's quite beautiful. You sure she's a vampire hunter?" You shook your head.

"Oh, you think I'm beautiful? Blondie that's so sweet of you. Or are you just saying that cause we just had sex."

"W-wait you know her?" Mahiru stubble backwards.

You jumped over the railing landed on your feet. "He knows me very well, in more than one way." As you strutted over to Mikuni.

"What do you mean?"

"You're so stupid I could die..." Kuro returns to his human form. A few seconds later it jerried, the look on his face was priceless.

You took the photo out Mikuni's hand, stared at it

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You took the photo out Mikuni's hand, stared at it. Try to figure out where it was taken, Kuro ended up snatching it out of your hands. "How rude! That's my photo after all."

You tried to snatch it back, but he was too quick. "You're so bothersome..." He held the photo above your head out of reach.

"You're so bothersome..." Echo in your head, why does that sound familiar? You shook it off and made one last attempt. As you jump, you manage to grab the photo.

You inspected the photo, realise the photo was taken when you walk past the karaoke station. "Hmm, so the subclass working at the karaoke station. Have to say he takes a good photo." You walk back to Mikuni handed the photo back to Kuro.

"You're not going to keep it?" Mahiru asked confused.

"Why would I want to keep it? If I want to look at myself I'll look in a mirror. Or on Blondie's phone." You sent him a sideways glare. See him pull his hat down try and cover his blush.

"Anyway I'm hungry, I'll leave you boys to talk." You waved them bye, made your way to the kitchen.

"Are you a vampire hunter?" Mahiru asked you.

You spun on your heels took a deep breath, "I'm hungry."

And walk off, Mikuni shook his head. "(Y/N) you're going to have explained all of this."

"BUT EXPLAINING IS A PAINNNN! YOU EXPLAIN THINGS!" You shouted from the kitchen.

"(Y/N)" he called out.

"FINE!" You walk back out with a bag of chips. "Set up a meeting and I'll answer questions and whatnot. I'm not explaining myself a third time, it's a pain repeating myself. Anyway, I got washing to do." You went back upstairs to Mikuni's room.

- Kuro -

"Okay, I'll call Misono set a meeting." He walked out of the shop.

"Sloth."  Turn to look Mikuni had a serious face.


"(Y/N) someone you want on your side." He picks up a book and went upstairs.

"How annoying..."

"Kuro you coming?" This is such a pain I could die...


"So Mikuni knows Vampire Hunter and has relations with her. Jeje completely fine with it?" Bastard-chan yelling again...

"If she's with Mikuni and Big Brother she mustn't be that bad. She poses no threat." I heard Lily speak, I wasn't paying much to the conversation.

I couldn't stop thinking about what he said, "(Y/N) someone you want on your side." Why would we need her? She's supposed to be a Vampire Hunter, isn't she?

"Kuro? Kuro?" Mahiru started waving his hand in my face.


"You alright? You look like you were thinking about something. What it (Y/N)?"

"Something like that..."

"Oh okay. Licht has a concert tonight. So we've met there after the concert. And I've already message Tetsu going to meet us." This is going to be troublesome I know it...

Vampire Hunter - Sleepy Ash/Kuro x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now