Meeting With A Vampire Hunter 💌🔪🧛🏼‍♀️

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Mikuni said they want to meet after some performance at the theatre. He said to wear something nice since I'll be watching. Had to find something that will cover up my scars, really hate it people stare at me.

I entered the lobby saw Mahiru and Kuro standing around. "Guess they're waiting for me."

I walked up to them and tap Mahiru on the shoulder, causing him to jump. I couldn't help but laugh, "bit jumpy are we?"

"(Y/N) you came." He looks surprised

"I did say set a meeting, didn't I? I swear males don't listen. How annoying..." I look away.

Mahiru cleared his throat, "we've already got your ticket."

"Oh thank you, let's get going then." I watch Kuro walk off. "I guess he wants to get this over and done with."

"I guess, shall we?" He gestures forward.

"Off we go then." I followed after Kuro

- Third -

Licht came on stage took his place at the piano. You recognise the type of piano, it was a Bösendorfer. And it seems to be well looked after too. Your Aunty would make you listen to classical music, especially the piano. You were pulled from your thoughts, as he started to play. It was beautiful, you hadn't heard anything like this for years.


The performance had finished left everyone in tears, except you. You could feel tears, but they just didn't come. Everyone filed out theatre, only people left were the Eves, their Servamps and you.

You got up from your seat jump upstage. "Never heard anything like that for years. Truly angelic music." Walk towards the piano, it was a masterpiece in your eyes. Something that reminded you of your Aunty.

"I am an angel." Licht posed with Hyde dancing around him.

"Yes, you are..." You roll your eyes went back to looking at the piano.

"We didn't set this meeting for you to admire Licht's piano." Misono storm on stage.

"Yes I know, I hate explaining it's such a pain. Is this it?" You look around.

"Yes, this is it." Misono

"Than fire away." As you walk away from the piano, stood centre stage.

"Why are you here?" Misono was now seated, wondered where he got the chair from.

"As I told Mahiru and Kuro last night I'm passing through." Plainly stated.

"You're a Vampire Hunter correct?" You look towards the 5-year-old looking Servamp.

"Isn't it past your bedtime, little boy?" This set the Servamp off, saying he's Servamp of Pride.

You waved him off, answered his question. "I was born into a life of Vampire Hunter. I don't actually hunt vampires."

"You don't?" You look over to Mahiru.

"No, I don't! I try and avoid fights with vampires. If I do get into a fight, try and knock them out. Or at least stop them with Holy Water so I can getaway. Why kill someone for being who they are." You turn around looked out from the stage. You really didn't want to face them.

"How do you know Mikuni?" Misono ask

"Oh Blondie," a smile appeared to turn back around. "Back when he and Marksman were working for C3. They and along with Tsurugi mission was to get me to join C3, I refuse. After that whenever we're in the same place, we catch up." You certainly did enjoy your 'catch-ups'. Turn saw Mahiru face turn red, started giggling.

The hall was quiet, you were getting annoyed. "Is there any more questions or can I go?"

"I have one." Faced Licht.

"What's the question, Angel?"

"Are you an angel or a demon?" Before you could even answer. A piano appears purple illuminating from it, he started to play. Your body started to feel heavy, you had no idea what was happening.

"Wait she's a vampire?" Lawless questioned.

Your knees started to buckle, you weren't going to let it. Took all your strength to stand back up, to break the hold. "If I was vampire wouldn't I have red eyes? I can walk freely in the sunlight and Holy Water doesn't affect me! Stupid ass males!"

You pulled an envelope out of the top of your dress. Everyone stood on guard, "oh calm down. It's just an envelope."

You walked over the Lust pair. "Here a letter for All of Love." Misono tried to snatch it.

"I said for All of Love! Here it's from your Subclass Kate." You could feel a lump in your throat.

"Thank you, how is dear Kate?"

You quickly look away, "she was good living a happy with her husband. Till my Father... Killed her. She wanted me to give you the letter, if we're done I'm going." You jump off the stage made your way to the doors.

No one said a word as they watched you leave the hall. Lily looked down at the envelope turned it over, there was his butterfly form in red wax.

"Ignore it Lily it's a fake." Misono

Lily opened the envelope, took the letter read it.

Dear All of Love

This is probably the last letter I'll ever write. But firstly thank you for allowing me to leave the mansion. I know you were against me leaving, I believe I truly found the love of my life. He's a loving man and accepts me for who I am. Even though she's not my blood daughter, I love her as if she was my own. (Y/N) is an amazing girl, with a big heart.
Which brings me to the point of this letter. (Y/N) is not your normal girl. Besides the fact she is a Vampire Hunter, that refuses to kill. As a child, our cafe-inn was attacked. Resulting in her death, my husband (her Uncle) and a Servamp (who I won't name). Brought her back, but not as a Subclass. As you can see she walks in the sun, is not affected by Holy Water. And does not have red eyes nor fangs.
If I can ask for a favour, can you please watch over her. I do not wish for her to put herself in harm's way. Even though she is quite stubborn, like her Uncle. I want her to have a place to call home, I do not want her wandering around this world alone. I want her to have a life worth living. If you are able to watch over her, I'll be enterally grateful.

With love,

Lily smile drops to that of a sad one. "No, it's not, Misono."

Vampire Hunter - Sleepy Ash/Kuro x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now