Uncle 👨🏻

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"(Y/N)," I heard Ash behind me. Thank gawd he's okay.

"Kill them all, leave the..." He looks me up and down... "Thing to me..."

"Thing now?"

"You're not my daughter!" Pulls out his sword, points at me. "You'll die, just like that vampire!"

"Don't you speak of Aunty Kate like!"

He brings his arm around, I dodge out of the way. Uppercut him in the stomach.

"ARRR!" He stumbles back, spits out blood. "What the fuck was that?"

- Third -

The hunters stop looking over yous. "Sir?" One of them turns to him.

Static circled your hand, up your arms. "Fine! Don't forget why we came here!"

"Yes, Sir!" The fight started again.

"So you lightning abilities..." He grins at you, "I might consider letting you live. If you help us take out the vampires."

"I'm not your tool."

"Death it is." He pulls out his gun, fires at you.

You dodge, dash yous were side by side. "Death to you father. By electrocution..." Lightning arks off of you to him. He tries to stand while trying not to show pain. "That's not even half of the pain you."

Kuro runs at him, kicking him back. He grabs your hand, pulls you into him. "(Y/N) are you okay?"

"Really Ash, right now? We're in a middle of a fight!"

"I'm sorry for what happened."

"Okay, you're sorry. I accept your apology. Can we get back to the fight?!" You push away from him.

He pulls you back, "I was worried if something happen. I wouldn't be there to save you."

"KURO!! I GET IT!!" You kiss him quickly, "fight now. Make up later, alright?"

"Fighting bothersome..."

"Go help Mahiru..."

"You going to be okay?"


Kuro ran back to Mahiru, who was by Misono's side.

"Didn't I tell you not let your guard down?" He held to the back of your head.

"Who said I did?" A jolt of lightning hits the gun. Exploding in his hand, burning him


You turn around to face him, "you get that." You walk inwards him, he backs up. "What's wrong Father don't you want to kill me?" He grabs his crossbow, tries to reload it. He humbles with the arrows. "What's wrong Father? Can't reload it?"

"Shut up!"

"So you do feel love for your daughter."

You look behind him, your uncle stood there. "Uncle, what are you doing here?" You look at him confused.

"Making sure Kate's wishes is fulfilled. Seems my brother can't things be."

"She's a fucking vampire! She's probably fucking a vampire! Something she's learnt of you! I knew I shouldn't have left her with you. Turned her into a vampire lover. Made her weak!"

"(Y/N) chose her own path. She just so happens to be the same as mine."

"No, you and that vampire bitch of yours brainwashed her."

"Brother I know you had hope that (Y/N). Would take your place, lead the hunters. (Y/N) isn't that type of person. Since she left (Y/N) has avoided all fights with vampires and hunters. She doesn't want to fight. Maybe you should take her lead."

"What?! Stop killing vampires!"

"Stop killing innocent people. Whether they be vampires or not. Let people live their lives. Let (Y/N) live her life."

"Let her run around with vampires!"

"Hahaha, she is a vampire now."

"No... NO! I can't let them live! I can't let yous live!!" He pulls out his sword pointing it at Francis.

Kuro knocks it out of his hand, "it's over."

He glares at Kuro, "it's never over."

Kuro looks past him, "with is bothersome."

"He's right the fight over." Your father looks behind him. "It's over brother, take them home. And leave this life behind. Maybe you can rebuild your relationship with (Y/N)."

You click your tongue look away. "Like I would build anything with him."

"Well, I guess that's it. Take your people and go."

He grits his teeth, looks back at his hunters. "Fall back!" Everyone starts leaving, your grips his hand. He walks past Francis, "we'll be back." He walks off to join the rest of the hunters.

You watch them disappear into the distance. "(Y/N)."

You look over to Francis, smile at him. "Uncle ~" You run over to him, hug him.

"Look at you, a full-fledged vampire now."

"Mmm... That only just happen..."

"Oh?" He looks over to Kuro. "Like a month ago?"

"Like a yesterday..."

"Did something happen?" He looks back at you.

"You could say that..." You look away.

"We can talk about this after dinner. So who's place are we eating at?"

"Uhh, I guess our place..." Mahiru walks over.

"To your place it is!" He slings his arm over Mahiru. "So your Kuro Eve."

"Yes, Sir."

"No need for the sir stuff. Uncle or Francis."

"Oh okay, Francis."

"You're a good kid Mahiru."

"Francis," Lily walks over.

He takes his arm off Mahiru. "You must be the Servamp of Lust, Snow Lily."

"Yes, I am."

"Kate spoke about you often. She said you were like a father to her. She was gratefully for you letting us be together. I'm sorry I let you down. I couldn't protect her." He lowers his head.

"Kate's last letter she knew her time was near. She said she had found the love of her life."

"Kate..." He chokes back his cries.

"If that's all can we go now?" Misono walks over arms across.

"If you excuse us Francis Misono and I have to leave."

"No problem. I'll stop by sometime."

"Yes, please do. We can talk more."

Everyone said their goodbyes. The four walk back home. Francis talking about his travels. What he had planned for the future. A future that involved you three.

"This is going to be troublesome." Kuro grabs your hand, pulls you into him.

"Everything troublesome for you."

"You're not." He smiles at you.

You lean over kiss him, I can be ~"

His smile drops, "no."

"Starting tomorrow, I'm going to be as troublesome. You know I have plenty of time on my hands now."

His smile return, "you do."

Vampire Hunter - Sleepy Ash/Kuro x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now