Christmas 🍋

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I woke up the next morning with Kitten still snuggle into my chest. I could hear her soft snores, she looks completely relaxed. Not like she is when awake, constantly on guard. Guess that's how she had to live growing up.

"If only I stayed things could have been different."

"Why would you want things different?" She looks up to me, with half lid eyes.

"You wouldn't have grown up so troublesome, wouldn't have been..."

"Hurt? Ash if things were different, you wouldn't have met Mahiru. You still would have been fighting your demons. And Melancholy would have killed Hyde and the others. You too, and I would of die alongside you."

"You don't know that."

She leans on her elbow. "There's no point thinking about the what if's. We're back together, isn't that what's matters?" Smiles at me. "Anyway, we need a shower before breakfast."

"How bothersome..." I watch her get out of bed, still naked.

"Or you can stay in bed, and deal with that on your own." She pointed to my crouch, I saw my cock was hard.

"The shower all nice and hot ~" I heard her sing out.

I jump out of bed, hop into the shower. "You're a naughty little kitten." I press her up against the cold titles. She turns her head to the side smirking.

"Am I now, so what are you going to do about it hmmm?"

I gave her my answer, my cock back in her pussy. "AHHH ASH ~"

"You'll find out Kitten." I thrust into her, harder each time. She felt amazing, nothing like I've felt before.

"A-Ash I'm about..." I pulled out of her, causing her to whimper.

I turn her around "knees!" She stood there, "I said knees now!"

She did as she was told, she got the idea of what I wanted. She went to grab my cock. "No hands, just mouth."

She was going painfully slow for my likely. I could see the smirk on her face. I collected her hair in my hand, push myself into her mouth. She started to gag, I didn't care. She felt so damn good.

I pulled her head back, and look down at her. "If you stop being so troublesome, I'll let you come."

She took me in whole and start sucking me off. I felt her tongue swirl around my cock.

- (Y/N) -

I look up at him, Ash had his head back. Good his enjoying it, I suck bit harder. Causing him to meow, I couldn't believe. He was turning me on more, I trailed my hand up my left. Started playing with myself. I was enjoying myself, I didn't notice Ash staring at me.

"You are so troublesome, looks like you won't be coming this morning." He smirks showing his fangs.

He pushes himself in my mouth, forcing me to take all of him in again. Causing me to gag. I should hate this, him forcing this on me. But fuck I couldn't care less.

He continued his assault on my mouth, thrusting in and out. I started to moan, sending vibrations up his cock. "F-fuck Kitten!"

A few seconds later his cock started to twitch, I could taste something salty. He slowly pulled out, stumbling back.

With that I stood up, he was still panting. And took his lips on mine. "How do you taste Sleepy Ash?"

Vampire Hunter - Sleepy Ash/Kuro x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now