Moved In 🏢

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A new year, a new beginning... Young Master has me going through his wardrobe... The clothes are all dusty, he hasn't worn them for so long.

"Young Master, why do you keep clothes you don't wear?"

"I do wear them."

"Misono they're covered in dust!"

He looks away, "then I'll wear them after they've been washed. If you could take them to get a wash." I glare at him, "please."

"Oh yes, Young Master ~" I roll my eyes.

I cram them into a basket, bloody rich brat... I rather go clean over the children, than this brat. I make my way do to the washroom. As I go to wash them they still have tags on them... "He's just as bad as a teenage girl... I wonder how Ash is going. I'll send him a text.

(Y): Hello my lazy kitty.

I continue pulling tags off, sorting through the clothes. I was a killer now I'm a maid washing dusty clothes...

Meow Meow

That's Ashy ~

Ash: Hi Kitten

He must be gaming... I'll annoy him, hehe.

(Y): What game are you playing today?

Ash: Reading manga

I can't annoy him if reading his manga, I'll leave him be. Back to pulling tags off... Fuck my life...


"ACHOO! ACHOO!" Blah, bloody MISONO!

"Bless you," I walk past Master.


"I hope you haven't come down with a cold."

I place the basket on my hip, blow my nose. "No, just dust from the clothes. I just finished washing and drying them. Now going to place them back to collect dust again. ACHOO! Uhh..."

"Here I'll take that. I'll get one of the other maids to do it. Go have a shower and rest. Your eyes are going red." He takes the baskets.

"Thanks, Lily." I walk back to my room have a hot shower.


"Bloody Misono..." I crawl into bed, snuggle into the blankets.

Soft Kitty Warm Kitty Little Ball Of Fur

"That's Ash," I answer. "Hey Ashy..."

"You're sick."

"No, I'm not sick. Washing dusty clothes, that's all."

"Bastard-chan making you work."

"No Master Lily said to go rest. I just got out of the shower, now laying in bed."


"I'll be fine. What manga were you reading today?"

"Solo Levelling."

"A gaming one, haha. ACHOO! Blah, sorry Ashy."

"I'm coming to get you."

"What? Why?"

"You're sick."

"I'm not sick, it's just dust that's all." The call ends, "ahh... This is bothersome..."

- Time Skip Next Morning -

Quack Quack Quack

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